
Match Time?

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How does the time work because what if they play for 22 minutes without including umpire time but on the tv they only show 20 minutes. What happens to the othe 2 minutes of game?




  1. The clock at the ground counts up and doesn't stop. The clock on the TV counts down from 20 minutes and stops every time there is a goal, behind, out of bounds ball up, blood rule, stretcher on the ground etc.

    When the clock at the ground goes above 20 minutes it's called 'time on'.

  2. well with the other 2 minutes, it is time from when the goal to the starting bounce, and there can also be like 30 minutes in some instances cos of injuries, i go to AAMII stadium heaps, it goes 4 like 30 minutes in the lastr quarter cos of tome from the start to the goal and back 2 the bounce

  3. Isn't it something to do with the 2 MINUTE WARNING??

  4. it is bcoz they play 20 minutes of actual football, ther r always gonna b breaks during the game, ball ups, throw ins, goals, kick ins,stretcher out on ground(like 2day,burton) etc. so it takes time in real life(so it counts at the ground scoreboard) but it doesnt count and the timers stop the clock so that they only play 20 minutes of actual football, so if ther r lots of breaks in a quarter the quarter will go 4 longer(in real time), but if ther rnt any breaks then it will go much shorter(in real time) but they will always only play 20 minutes of actual football

  5. A quarter of football foes for 20minutes.....however if there are stopages such as goals and ball up's then the time stops therefore a quarter normally goes for about 28 minutes

    so a game with high scoring will have quarters of about 33 minutes and a low scoring game will only have something like 24 minute quarters

    channel 10 have a display to channel the 4th quarter channel 10 shows how much of the quarter has gone when theres 5 minutes to go (notice how when it goes up it doesnt stop and when its counting down it stops sometimes?)

    the red thing around the 2 minutes left is just like a warning as in not long left in quarter

  6. The ground clock doesn't stop but on TV they can stop it when the umpire blows the whistle. It may seem shorter but the grond clock is unmanned.

  7. always wondered that. when you see it live - at the oval it goes for a longer time and when it is suposed to be live on telly it is alot shorter :s
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