
Maternity leave during first year of teaching?

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I'm wondering if it's wrong to accept a teaching position when I'm 9 weeks pregnant. That means I'd have to take materninty leave around February during my first year of teaching. Any advice?




  1. You should definately take it! You need benefits dont you? Besides getting pregnant has nothing to do with you being a great teacher or not so they are not allowed to use that against you or even ask you if you're pregnant when they interview you. When you pass your third trimester (or better yet when you sign your contract) then you can tell your principal that your pregnant and will need a sub to close out the school year. But make it clear that you wish to work closely with the sub to make sure she/he has excellent sub plans and that you wish to return to work as soon as possible after your maternity leave. If you impressed the principal with your teaching and professionalism he/she will not hold it against you when considering offering you your job again next year. Then you can have your cake and eat it too.

    FYI - As a new teacher (if you are a new teacher) you are probationary and that means principals can fire you for any reason and not be legally obligated to tell you why. They can simply tell you on the last day of school that today will be your last day and you wont be returning for the next school year. So if your principal is a jerk and didnt like you be prepared for this to happen. But if he/she is understanding it should not effect the way he/she sees you as a member of the team.

  2. Take the job.  People worry about the kids, the kids.  Yes, that's the priority AT WORK.  Your life is priority above everything else.  Believe it or not, the kids will be fine.

  3. Take the job!!  Life happens.  People get pregnant.  It will be fine.  Just be sure to be super prepared when you go on maternity leave.  Do a good job teaching and they will be sure to have you back the following year.  I had a friend who had the same problem.  It was her first year teaching, first baby, and she was building a house.  It all went well.  The key to it all is planning ahead and being prepared for the unexpected.

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