
Maternity leave?? how long do guys get?

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my guy was saying he gets 4 days full pay and that's it,, surely that cant be right can it ?




  1. Different companies offer different amounts of Paternity leave.

  2. He should be able to take some paternity leave, but just be aware that not all companies offer it. If he does it will cut into your maternity leave, you end up sharing the time off. So if he takes a month off, your maternity leave is shortened by a month.

  3. It depends but I think the legal requirement is one week, and its called paternity leave

  4. Hi my hubby has got 2 weeks off but he had to fill in this form so that he will get most of his pay if not he would of only got his basic holiday pay which isnt very much, I dont think we will get the full amount, but I think his work might make it up im not too sure.

    Its the SC3 from I think you hand it into his employer before you are 20 weeks I think.

  5. Men usually don't get paid paternity leave.  My husband just saved up all his vacation time.  

    God Bless

  6. FMLA (family leave of ab sense) guarantees mother or father of a newborn 12 unpaid weeks of maternity leave if you have worked for a company with over 50 employees for one year or 1250 hours.  He can take his vacation time until it expires and then use the remaining in FMLA.

    Im preggo and my job does not offer maternity leave packages so, im taking leave and then FMLA

  7. for MATERNITY leave, I get 12 weeks unpaid. I have to use my remaining vacation days if I want to bring in some money while I am off.

    for PATERNITY leave, typically they don't get paid days off. They (like many women) have to use their vacation/sick days. Although some companies now-a-days do offer paid maternity/paternity leave.. its not required by law.

    ****I LOVE how people with good answers get a thumbs down.

    That makes sense...

    Be thankful that your man is getting the 4 days paid.

  8. i think its 2 weeks paternity leave.. check out the

    they will offer free confidential advice..

    good luck

  9. It absolutely can! That really stinks...a very prominent Bank in our Country, gives 8 weeks to mother and to fathers! How rediculous is that! I give birth and get the same as my husband?!?!?

  10. Two weeks, and it's paternity leavee

  11. My husband got 2 weeks

  12. Men don't get maternity leave..haha i'm so pedantic.

    Four days may be the minimum employers have to legally give

  13. My husband will be getting 3 days. A week if the baby has to be put in ICU. I pray that doesnt happen.

  14. My husband doesn't get any time off paid..they are allowing him to take a week off but no money for it.  

  15. In the U.S., it depends on the company. My husband will get 3 weeks of paid paternity leave. My maternity leave is 6 weeks at 100% of my pay and 6 weeks at 70%.

    ETA: I get a thumbs down because we get excellent benefits? To each his own...

  16. According to OSHA standards if the company he works for has more than 50 full time employees he can get up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. My husband gets no paid leave. He will just have to take off.

  17. they get 2 weeks

  18. Sounds about right, unfortunately. My husband gets a week paternity life (generous, according to the company), and any other time needed he'll pool his vacation/sick time. More than likely, he'll take only that week off. Usually in the U.S, they don't provide excess paternity leave, they hardly provide adequate maternity leave!

    I wish you and yours the best, darling.

  19. they are entitled to 2 weeks off but they only get paid something stupid like £112 pw, my partner has had to save some of his hols so he will get full pay or else we wouldn't be able to afford the mortgage as he the main earner, i think its wrong personally but hey that's the government for u, xx

    go on the link below answer a few questions and it will tell you how much your partner will get.

  20. 2 weeks I think but don't know if that is full pay. They have to pay someone else to do his job while he is off and considering he isn't on leave (holiday entitlement) they are not obliged to pay him the full salary.

    While it is a happy event for you, employers don't actually care. They are in it for the money :-)

  21. some employers give up to 2 weeks..including mine!

    Im getting 3 weeks as i have a weeks holiday to take before i go on leave..

    i think its down to the employer but you may want to check out websites which are to do with maternity the Department of work and Pensions website and Job Centre Pus website for benefits and materinity etc guidance!

  22. My husband has been told he is entitled to three weeks paid paternity on top of his normal paid holiday per year.

  23. in the uk it is 2 weeks paid paternity, and some companies allow 2 weeks unpaid, like hmrc, and bt etc

  24. In the UK Fathers can have up to 2 working weeks off with pay (but this is not his normal weeks pay.  It is defined by the government).  It used to be about £101.00 per week but I think it may be a bit more now.  These have to be taken together within 56 days of the birth I think, and the employer has to be notified that he will be taking time off in advance and the expected date of arrival.

  25. My husbands work offers 3 days full pay leave. But he will be eligible for FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) which stated that you and your husband have a total of 12 weeks guaranteed to you. Its not paid, but you can take off 12 weeks between the two of you. So if you have 6 weeks paid leave from your job, and thats all you plan on taking then your husband can take six weeks off too, it just won't be paid. The only catch is they make you use all of your sick time and vacation time first and that counts towards the 12 weeks. But its a federal law so all employers have to offer it. So in your case if your husband gets 4 days paid leave, the remainder of his time will be unpaid. All FMLA does is secure you some time off and hold your job for you. GoodLuck

  26. He's a guy... he gets paternity leave, not maternity.  It is shorter than maternity most of the time.  (He's not the one having the baby)  Each company has it's own policies.  

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