
Maternity leave- when did you go back to work?

by  |  earlier

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How long after the birth? And what were your reasons for going back when you did?




  1. for my son, i had 42 days of maternity leave. i was active duty army so that is what they allowed me.

  2. i went back at 3 months after!

    i only work 2 nights a week as a bartender at the local pub

  3. Check out this hilarious question

  4. I took the full amount allowed by FMLA--12 weeks. My daughter was 10 weeks old when I went back and I worked because I needed to. However, I was blessed that I only worked two days a week, which were my husband's off days, so we didn't need a babysitter.

  5. I had 5 months maternity leave.  I went back because if I had took any longer I wouldn't have been paid.  

  6. I went on maternity leave for six weeks, assuming i would go back to work at the end of eight weeks. however, while on leave, we found out my husband (AD Army) got transfered to another state. So we ended up moving when our son was three months. I still haven't gone back to work. because we live on a base in the middle of no where and because i am going back to school to get my masters.  

  7. I am a teacher, so my maternity leave varies depending on when the child is born and the beginning of the next marking period. With my first daughter, I went back 10 weeks after she was born. With my second daughter, I went back at the beginning of the next school year.

    With my son, who is 8 days old, I will be going back to work in November. I went back to work because I love my job and my parents are 100% supportive of me continuing to work and they are 100% willing to watch my kids while I'm working.

  8. 1 year.

    That how is long we are legally allowed maternity leave in Canada.  

  9. i went back after 6 weeks because that's all the vacation time i had and it was the minimum after a c-section

  10. I went back 12 weeks after, but I was in grad school (and therefore, couldn't actually get parental benefits), and I was mostly working from home, so it was not a transition of leaving my daughter, and leaving the house to return to work -- just trying to get my head out of the postpartum fuzzies and spending time @ a desk a short distance from her.

    I did it to try to keep up my momentum @ school (didn't work nearly as well as I'd planned, lol).

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