
Math Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Find the largest angle in a triangle in which the sides are in the ratio 5:6:8

A golfer hits his ball B a distance of 170m on a hole H which measures 195m from the tee T to the green. If his shot is directed 10 degrees away from the true line to the hole, find the distance betweenhis ball and the hole.




  1. 1.) Use Law of cosines on the angle opposite to the 8.

    8^2 = 5^2 + 6^2 - 2(5)(6) (cos A)

    3 = -60 cos A

    A = 92.9°

    This is the largest angle

    2.) I think this is a trick question. It says "A golfer hits his ball B a distance of 170m on a hole H," therefore the answer would be 0 m because his ball is on the hole.

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