
Math-You-See anyone tryed this ?

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Looking at options for next year. Wondering if anyone who has tried this has anything good or bad to say about this. I'll be teaching grade 1, 4 and 6




  1. We love MUS!  I started my son out in Saxon when he was 6.5 (grade 2) and he finished 5/4 by the time he was 8; however, he had no clue about the actual concepts.  I, too, started him over from Alpha in MUS, and he has (at his own speed) worked through Epsilon in the last year and a half.  He now understands the concepts and can teach them back; this, to me, is the real beauty of the program.  (He also loves getting his lessons from Steve Demme...they're short and sweet, Steve's funny, and they get the point across.)

    I can't recommend it enough.

  2. We are using it for our kids. They absolutely love it. We ordered the free demo and my daughter watched it with us. She looked at me and said "Mom I get that!" She was so excited that she was beginning to understand basic addition. She is in third grade and we have been using it since November. She has already finished about a third of the book and truly understands math now.

    Order the demo and decide if it's right for your family.

  3. We started using Math-U-See because of my youngest daughter who was struggling with math.   Now all my kids use and it they all love it.

    We wouldn't use anything else up to grade 9 at least.  For high school we may use Teaching Textbooks.

  4. My daughter loved and used Bob Jones math until 5th grade.  At that point, I realized that she got through math by memorizing it, not learning it.  (She is not wired to learn things sequentially, lesson-by-lesson.)  I heard about Math U See and made her start ALL OVER with the first book in Math U See.  It took her months to catch up to her proper grade level; however this time, she understood it.

    She has used Math U See ever since.  She is a sophomore in our home school and has just completed the Algebra I book.  She has mastered all the concepts taught.

    I would heartily recommend Math U See (MUS)  to any student.  In some ways, I regret that I didn't make my son use MUS.  Since he had done well in traditional math books, I let him continue with them when I switched my daughter.  At the high school level, he has used Teaching Textbooks (Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry).  In addition to his home school math, my son also took College Alegebra at our local junior college last fall.  I noticed that my daughter was covering some of the same topics in MUS Algebra I that my son was covering in College Algebra for the first time.  I started comparing MUS with the Teaching Textbook (TT)  topics.  It seemed that MUS Pre-Algebra covers about half the TT Algebra I topics;  MUS Algebra I covered the TT Algebra I and half the TT Algebra II topics and so it goes.  I feel that my daughter's math education covered more topics than my son's did.

    NOTE:  My son has done very well with TT.  He scored well on the SAT math section; however, I feel he would have covered more subject matter if he had used MUS.  My son likes the TT format:  traditional textbook and computerized teaching.  I can't say that he would have liked the MUS format as well.

    My daughter will continue using MUS through geometry at the very least.  She is planning to take College Algebra next year at our junior college.  A few years ago, I seriously wondered how she would ever pass a college-level math class.  Now, I am confident that she can ace it.  MUS made a huge difference for her.

  5. I have many friends who use Math U See and swear by it.  Especially those who were having trouble with traditional math programs.  I haven't heard anything bad about the program yet.

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