
Math and/or science activity for kids 3-4 yrs old??/?

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does any one have any ideas for kids that age?? i am supposed to come up with a 25 min activity for about 24 3-4 yr olds....... i need one activity for math and another one for science....i have been trying to find activities but i cant think of any...if any one has any ides please let me knw thanx alot in advance!!!




  1. For math you count things, apples, oranges, etc. For sience, mix things together, orange juice with green food coloring, measurements, like cups, teaspoons, table spoons.

  2. go to

    I usually do all my lesson plans from those sites.

    I will give ya one idea for an activity for math AND science...

    cook something

    pancakes...scrambled hamburgers

    anything that can be cooked in an electric frypan.  It really holds the kids attention, measuring covers your math and talk about the changes from liquids to solids to cover science.  Good luck!

  3. An in Switzerland based organisation with an entirely new approach to preschool arithmetics. Perception through colours and shapes, replaying rather than repeating by rote.

  4. These are young children.  The math skills they need to be learning are things like basic counting, names of shapes, seriating 3 items by size, sorting or grouping items by an attribute such as size, shape, or color.  Keep it simple.  Something as simple as giving them counting bears, or different sizes of  a shape (such as small, medium, and large circles) to cut out and glue on paper are appropriate activities.  You can talk about arranging the shapes from biggest to smallest and then just let them do what they can and tell you what they made.

    Also for science, keep it simple.  Give them magnifying glasses and something interesting to explore and examine, such as feathers, sea shells, seeds, or leaves.  Or show them some ice cubes on plates and ask them to talk about what they think ice is made of and what they think might happen if we leave the ice cubes on the plate at room temperature.

    Whatever activity you use, choose an appropriate book to read to the children first to introduce the activity.  There are lots of books about sizes and shapes and colors that you could use for the math activity.  You could even read The Three Bears, or The Three Billy Goats Gruff to introduce the ideas of small, medium, large, and putting them in order.  To intro the science activities, read about sea shells, birds, or plants, or read a story about winter.  Be sure to talk about title, author, and illustrator before reading the story, and maybe introduce a couple of vocabulary words that apply to the story and to the activity.

  5. math- on the computer can can probably find a worksheet but to make one just find shapes or pictures on the computer and print them on a sheet and have them count how many there is also you can do the same thing with little blocks or game pieces have them count and see how many there is

    science- for science you can test to see if things float like get a bucket of water and put different objects in it and see if they float examples are like dropping a spoon in or a duck in or you can have them guess if they will float

    also look on the internet there may be other ideas and worksheets

  6. for math.....cut small strips of paper and give each child about 15 strips (all different colors) each strip should have a number on it from 1 - 15 or how much u want...tell the kids to put the numbers in order...then check if the kids are correct... help those who dont have it correct...then have the kids make a paper chain with the numbers in order....

    for science....give each child a bottle filled half way with water....have food coloring 3-4 differnet colors.....have the kids put a drop of food coloring and have them role it around...then have them add a nother color and watch them see the colors change to make a new color...

    hope this helps!!!

  7. counting games for prizes.......of course

    or teach them addition in a fun and edible way

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