
Math question.. please help due tommorow.?

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In baseball the pitcher's mound is 60.5ft from home plate. The strike zone, or distance across the plate, is 17 in.

The time it takes for a baseball to reach home plate can be determined by dividing the distance the ball travels by the speed at which the pitcher throws the baseball.

1. If a pitcher throws a baseball at 90 miles per hour, how many seconds does it take for the baseball to reach home plate?

2. For number 1, how long is the ball in the strike zone?

PLease help me. I'm clueless about it.

I'll give you 10 points!!!!

by tommorow morning at 6am.




  1. Like it says in the problem, take the distance divided by the speed

    BUT, you have to have the units the same.  You can't compare mph with feet and seconds.

    90mile/hour times 5280 feet/mile = 475200 feet/hour

    475200 feet/hr times hr/60min times min/60 seconds = 132 ft/second

    Now you can take the distance divided by the speed

    60.5 ft divided by 132 feet/second = 0.4583 seconds

    You can use the rate found in number 1 (132 ft/second) if you divide by feet.  17 inches is 17/12 feet.

    17/12 feet divided by 132 feet/second = 0.04427 seconds


  2. Just so you know, this process is called "factor labeling" or "dimensional analysis"

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