
Math teacher being unfair, what to do?

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There's this teacher who kinda only favors like a few kids. She ALWAYS, ALWAYS is on their side. It's almost like she's trying to help them get ahead of everyone else. Is there like some rule against this? What should I do?




  1. Sorry, I don't think there is a rule against this. If you did try to get her in trouble, there would be no way to prove it. Is this high school or college math teacher?

  2. tell your teacher to go **** herself.

    It could be worse: My math was 1st period, and my sis drove me to school which made me late nearly everyday, then one day my teacher takes me into the hallway, tells me that `Im a rude little ***** coming in late everyday` then I tell him to **** off and IM the one who gets in trouble, even though I was 14 and he was like 55...great example set by my teacher

    bottom line: sometimes there is no justice. think about it...shes a math teacher at some po-dunk`ll get a better job when you grow up, right?

  3. Oh my god, I have the same condition with my math teacher. I hate the kind of teachers who favor some over the other and no there is no rule againt this. see first try if you can to complain to someone who would actually do something about it, and if you're sure that that won't make a difference then well ACT like you care in your math teacher's class and try you're best to show her you want to progress, as well. if that doesn't work, no one said life is fair.

  4. talk to the school counselor

  5. so typical. happens all the time. i used to shut up until i found a better teacher in a diff grade, s***w her

  6. document what you see with dates and times.

    talk to the teacher and present your evidence

      only then go to the councillor and administration.

    a teacher must be allowed to justify their action( if at all) admin wont consider the info if you havent talked to them.

    a grading rubric must be used for all tests and homeworks - ask her to show u  a copy - of approach the departmental head for it.

    as a head of math in the past , i know that teachers must grade by standards based grading- favoritism is not allowed.

    good luck

    edited: yep she's right you cant cut hair even if they give you permission. you shouldnt have.. sorry- she was right, even if you were being nice  u cant touch another kid as they might change their mind- just like they did- you dont seem to be a bad mid- just have poor judgement

  7. Life isnt always fair. I also had a teach like that. He always favored other students on their skin color(not saying which race). He always made it hard on students like me and most of the students he hated dropped out of the course.  I decided not to drop out and i ended up earning his respect.

  8. You were the one holding a pair of scissors to cut someone's hair in class.  It simply shows the teacher that you and Jack were not paying attention.  The kid who has his hair sticking up wouldn't admit anything, he just doesn't want to get in trouble.  Regardless if he is a favorite or not, the teacher can't say he did anything wrong because he was not holding a pair of scissor in his hand.

    If you have time to read the teacher's handbook, then maybe you should use the time to do math.  If you study hard and do well in class, the teacher can't push you down and let other kids jump ahead of you.  Do better in class and see if she likes you more.

  9. that happen to me a lot talk to you parents and they will help you and talk to you counselors they will help you also

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