
Mathematics Basics?

by  |  earlier

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I have not attend school for about 3 years, just currently I'd returned back! Horray?! :-) Its a 4hr school program (Still gets diploma) I'm also working on my grammars too, so don't mind lol. (9th grade - Dropped out when I was in 7th)

well, I need some help with basics division, fractions. didn't learn my chemistry yet. I'm forgetting everything >.< even some of x's table.

Anything basics that I could remember by tomorrow? I'm doing a test. Can someone also include = My dear aunt sally?

What does it mean? Yes, sorry I forgot. >,<

Any questions I'll be here to edit. Please and thanks!




  1. PEMDAS (please excuse my dear aunt sally) is the order in which you do a long mathematical equation.

    P= parenthesese

    E= exponents

    M= multiplication

    D= division

    A= addition

    S= subtraction

  2. well...i dont know how i can help you...but i&#039;ll give you a dear aunt sally...multiplication, division, addition, if you were given 4+2x5/;d multiply 2 by 5 first, then divide by three, then add 4 and then subtract 2

  3. Just remember to be confident, youll do fine im proud your going back, not many drop outs do, my dear aunt sally is, Multiplication, division, addition, Subtraction, its the order of operations. When theres a long math problem such as 5x2+4/2, you first multiply the 5 and 2, you get 10, then you divide the 4 and 2, you get 2. last you add the 10 and 2 and get 12. Go to the army website and take the practice asvab its like a free practice act or sat the same concept. Good luck.

  4. Follow the order of operation


    P- parenthesis, brakets and etc

    E- Exponents

    M- x (multiplication)

    D- / (division)

    A- Addition +

    S- Subtraction -

    and be sure to get da negatives rite

    so -2 x -2 is 4

    -2 x 2 is -4 and same goes wit division

    -2 x -2 x -2 is negative 8 because there is odd no. of two&#039;s

    if there is even no. of two&#039;s it ends up positive cuase a negative times a negative is postitive.

    same when u are doing exponents especially this one

    (-2)^2 is 4, but (-2)^3 is negative 8. but for this type of exponent -2^2 , -2^3, -534266^4 and etc, when there is a negative with out parenthesis like the problem above its Always negative.

  5. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

    Parenthases- ()

    Exponents- 5² It&#039;s the 2 not the five  

    Multiply - x or ·

    Divide-  / or ¬ or the line with one dot above and one below

    Add - +

    Subtract - -

    Good Luck

  6. i tried my best to use the picture you had to show you.  I cross cancled to help make the problem a little easier then i reduced to the smallest possible fraction. Hope it helps.  Here is a link to the edited picture...
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