
Maths gcse exam?

by  |  earlier

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i want to just take my maths gcse exam without attending any lessons or doing a course or anything. i have a baby so have no time for rigid things lilke that, and can't afford to do a course at home. i'd revise with bbc bitesize or soething then just sit an exam. can i have some information on this

-is it possible to just do the exam when i'm ready?

-can i have some links to informative websites?

-how can i get in contact with an exam center?

-anything else which is relevant please.





  1. You could try contacting the exam board, Im not sure which one covers the Maths tests, but try AQA, OCR, Edexel, all are searchable through google. Ask them if its possible, although Im pretty sure you'll have to pay a fee.

    Or, you could try contacting colleges/universities in your area asking whether it would possible to sit the exam with them, amongst students doing other exams, just so you have the official exam conditions.

  2. Buy a textbook from W H Smith or Waterstones.  Work through the book at your own pace.

    Then to do the exam, at the beginning of the year contact the Exams Office of your local college and ask them if they except External Candidates - they have to let the Examining Boards know by Easter how meny papers they need for each subject.  The College will charge you a small fee to cover the cost of ordering the paper for you and to help pay the invigilator, and near the date they will send you a letter telling you the date, time and location of the exam.
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