
Matias Vuoso will be called up to play for Mexico your thoughts?

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yes Matias Vuoso has been confirmed along with everyplayer playing in Europe and Blanco

I know many of you are like wtf is this but we all know it was going to happen sooner or later with this thoe I hope it closest the door for any other non born Mexican




  1. trust me when i say this they are going to be much more to come especially while sven is coach u think he is going to care about that please... all he wants to is accomplish what the goals are and i am sure he will not let that stop him of calling that player up

  2. dude he sucks

  3. If they are going to give Vicente Vuoso a chance then they should give Omar Arellano a shot too..

  4. I think that instead of taking Vuoso he should take Ivan "Guti" Estrada. Vuoso isn't what he used to be for some reason he doesn't go after the balls like he used to. Estrada is a fast, good marking defender and can go upfield help out the attack, return to position in the blink of an eye.

  5. well i havent ever really seen him play...only a couple of games and i dont think he is all that good

    but i guess he wont get much playing time since we have younger faster players

  6. We have better forwards than him like gio an carlos vela even Omar bravo is better than him

  7. we already have full mexican fowards better then him

    i dont like it at alll

    mexico could do it with out them

    vuoso blah

  8. Okay first of all Matias Vuoso is one of the best forwards currently playing in Mexico.  Weather we like Santos or not, he was a big part of Santos great offense.

    By saying that we shouldn't call anymore naturalizados to El Tri, sounds kind of ridiculious.  Doing that is like doing what people do to immigrants in the US.  Now I don't want to get political, but if the players accepts to go and wear the greean over the blue and white, and is going to play his heart out to help the team give the nation a World Cup.  What is everyone complaining about.

    This happened when Caballero was called to play the World Cup in 2002, and then again when Zinha was called to play in World Cup 2006.  Those players broke the all Mexican in El Tri tradition, and to be honest I don't have  any complaints about their performances in the World Cups they were great.  So as long as Vuoso does it with heart I have no problem with him wearing green.  

    Besides name any full Mexican forwards other than Bravo who are close to being as good as Luis Hernandez, Luis Garcia, Hermosillo, Zague, Napoles, Borgetti, Pelaez, Hugo Sanchez or any of the 90s legends.  There are not any, who can play at the level these used to play.  Bravo is getting there, but is not there yet.  Vela is too young and has a long way to go to be a natural goleador like Borgetti or Zague.  Cacho is good but he stands next to Bravo and so do the rest.  So if we have forwards Naturalizados why not give them the chance.  Their kids might some day wear the green as well, like Gio, Zague and Nery Castillo all born in Mexico with foreign parents.


  9. Sven has his eye on Vouso since Manchester City wanted him. He doesn't have a left foot though.

  10. I think Sven should of called Bruno Marioni instead atleast we know he will score

  11. That's cool... I still think the shirt is going to be to big for him (the way Americas was). I give him a couple of games... Let him have his chance and fail so we can move on.

  12. he hella sucks

  13. i dont want him to get called up

    he sucks

    he doesnt do anything

  14. he is a good player and a great decision by sven .....i kno he isnt born mexican but he is mexican he is a mexican CITIZEN!!!! and dats all dat matters.......he is a solid forward and as for all the haters talkin bout mexico alredy has good strikers yea we do but vuoso wud make us way better last time mexico played der forwards sure didnt show up against BELIZE!!! so dnt complain bkus last time i cheked sven goran erikson was a world class coach and im sure he recognizes talent wen he sees it

  15. I don't mind "naturalizados" getting called for the national team but there has to be a limit, unlike Germany that has a ton of foreign born players on their squad. I wouldn't have more than 3 on the roster.

  16. No I will have to go protest.... The only naturalizado that deserves to play with el TRI is Zinha.

  17. i don't think its a bad idea it might be good

    but we already have good forwards

  18. really? they couldent get any one else i think vuoso is not that good

  19. This why Mexico never succeeds. We think that only with Mexicans we will Lift the cup. Shut that up. Look, the guy openly stated that he is there whenever to wear the green shirt if needed. Yea he has his bad games, but who doesn't. What Mexico needs is a Centre Forward. Like Borgetti. Slowly prowling to score. Vuosos is like that. Gio is a right wing that goes up. So is El Venado. Vela goes from the outside in as does Bravo. Cacho waits for the ball. Bofo provides it. Nery is like Vuosos. He takes the ball himself. Remember Nery couldn't do anything against the Argntiniens either. With Vuosos you also get strength like Adriano from Brazil. Who said you had to be born in the same country you represent. I bet half of the people who responded are U.S born. But they go for Mexican because they grew to love it. Just like Vuosos and Zinha. They grew to Love Mexico. His daughter is Mexican because he chose to have her be born there. Look... around in the soccer world. Germany, Portugal, Spain, Argentina, France, etc... have naturalized players. Germany has Podolski and Klose who are Polish. Portugal had Deco and Pepe of Brazilian descent, Petit who is French, and Nani who is from Cape Verde. Spain has Senna who is Brazilian. Argentina has Gonzalo Higuain who is french. France has David Trezeguet who is Argentinien. Even the WORLD CHAMPIONS, ITALY have Mauro Camorannesi. Now look around... all of these players wear proudly the shirt of their now selected national team. Why can't Vuosos? Because Mexico has better young players that still need to produce and gain experience? He wants to show it now. SO why not give it to him? He earned it as did Guille who only got called by La Volpe. So be smart.

  20. i dont like it, but i wont complain....

  21. I think that's cool. Who cares if he wasn't born in Mexico, he feels Mexican and that's what matters. Not everyone is lucky enough to be Mexican :P

    Naturalizados are ok in el Tri as long as they feel they are Mexican.

  22. that's sad

    mexico can do better than him

  23. im confused.. how have they already chosen the players?

    I highly doubt they've anounced the list. Where did you hear this?

    The article doesnt say he's been called up yet, and if he does get called up he wont get any playing time since we have Franco, Nery, Dos Santos, Vela, Bravo, and De Nigris. He may be better than De Nigris but thats a big MAYBE he wont get playign time at all.

  24. yes he's hella good

  25. he wont play tho

    we got better delantera den hem

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