
Mating an american bulldog?

by Guest10986  |  earlier

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we have a purebred male american bulldog who is 5 months old, my question is can anyone tell me how old he needs to be before we mate him? and how we could find a pure bred ***** to mate him with? Thank you for your time any help would be most appreciated




  1. He has to be at least 2 years old before you breed him - that's the age at which he can receive all his health tests.

    You can find a female to breed him to by attending shows - while you're showing your dog and proving that he's an excellent example of the breed and should be bred to improve the breed, you can evaluate other females and determine which ones have strengths where your male has faults, which one would compliment your male, etc. Talk to other owners and breeders - they can help you as well.

  2. If you need to ask this question here it is a sign that you don't know anywhere near enough to be breeding.

    Please go do some serious research on responsible breeding.

    Start here:

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