
Matlab mapping toolbox help?

by  |  earlier

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I need to contour pollution concentration which has a lat,lon coordinate pair attached. So (lat,lon,Z) where Z is the concentration of some pollutant. In order to contour the data using the matlab function "contourm" I need a georeferenced data grid. The matlab help file only tells you how to create a georeferenced grid if the data is equally spaced, using a reference vector. If the data is randomly spaced, how do I create 3 MxN matrices that I can put into contourm(lat,lon,Z)? Answers to this, as well as any other suggestions, are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!




  1. You could make "3D landscape" of your data and then interpolate new points. There should be some kind of function for this but I don't know any. You could also do your own:

    Using your data as vertexes build 3D mesh (search triangles with smalles perimeter) and then iterpolate. Please let us know if you find such ready function, otherwise I might try to make on on friday.

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