
Matriarch Liberal for McCain! For every woman who is tired of being bashed by the media! Will you follow?

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I was a proud Clinton supporter. However I am tired of every time a woman challenges for the White House we are mocked. When McCain picked a woman to be his Vice President I cried all afternoon. When I saw the news on CNN they bashed her like they bashed Hilliary! I am tired of this! Mr. McCain I have never liked you, however I see now what it must be like to deal with a media who is so against you! I just can't stop crying! When will women not be attacked just because we want to be equal! I can not stand most of the Republican issues, but I will be voting McCain'Palin in 08! Women need to make a stand here and NOW!




  1. Foolish women, come back to Barack.  McCain-Palin will make your life unbearable.  You will all be cursed with countless children that you will not be allowed to abort if you don't follow Obama.    

  2. Everyone who runs for president is criticized fairly and unfairly, made fun of, lied about, and probably mocked. (although I thought that was when somebody repeated everything you said.)

    If you went from supporting Hillary Clinton to McCain simply because his vice-presidential candidate is female you are doing us no favors on the equality front.  That's like saying it doesn't matter if the black candidate is Obama or Marion Barry, blacks should vote for him.

    And oh yeah, quit the crying, that isn't helping either.  

  3. PLEASE tell me you are kidding me.  Vote with your head and not with your genitals, for God's sake.  If you vote for McCain/Palin based on the fact that you think she's PRO-WOMAN because she is a woman, then you're deluded.  Deluded.  

    McCain has potentially put a city councilwoman who has been governor for less time than McCain has been IN THIS CAMPAIGN within one heartbeat of the presidency.

    If you really were voting for Hillary for any logical reasons, I cannot believe you're actually voting for McCain.  I swear to God there should be more requirements to be able to vote than citizenship and minimum age.

  4. I'm following Mccain/Palin

  5. Our Government Leaders ARE MEANT to be from the people. Our government was DESIGNED to be BY THE PEOPLE!

    So Gov Palin is from Alaska. She is a mother of FIVE Children. She is a mother of a special child with DOWN SYNDROME. So what?

    The COMPLETE and ABSOLUTE arrogance of the Democrat Party is astonishing! As if intelligence ONLY comes from the inner city and University intellectual class?!

    I bet the Alaskan wild-lands have taught this competent inspiring woman MORE than the Harvard University has in regards to the WORKING CLASS!

    I get so tired of the Obama Intellectual Elitism. The Greek Temple is the symbol of their own arrogance and aggrandizement. PATHETIC!

    Facta Non Verba


    Senator John McCain 2008

  6. I cried also when Palin was announced...I made my daughter get over to the tv to watch her come out..I really felt like I was watching history and I felt that I was being respected as a  voter.

  7. If she wants to be vice president she has to take the good with the bad the men who are running for president have been bashed and talked horribly about since day one what are they supposed to do tip toe around ladies?

    you want equality well there you go.....

    What the heck does crying do?

    It proves what most men think we are too emotional to be in that high a position so stop wimpering....

  8. Now you see how it feels to be a Republican. They would rather turn their backs on women to get a black man elected president. However, your past sick liberal agenda is the reason you are paying for it to day. So I don't care that you cried.

  9. It is time for women to hold high office in government. I think the Republicans are going to do a much better job of speaking out against sexism than the democrats did. That's why I am now a Republican!

  10. Yes!!  And good for you for standing up for and announcing your decision and why.  It's high time that women are taken seriously and being placed in higher offices as major decision makers.  We females represent more than 50 percent of the population and deserve a voice.  

    VP Palin '08!

  11. Interesting. sounds like McCain's best strategy would be to let her campaign and him stay quiet in the background. I hope everyone remembers that you're not getting her as a leader but rather the tired old man who chose a woman (and apparently a good one but still fresh in politics) in an overt effort to pander to the female vote in the hopes that women across the country are empty headed enough to fall in line simply because of her gender. Personally, I have more faith in today's women than to fall for such a poorly disguised ploy.

  12. I don't believe you. Seriously.

    Palin has the exact opposite world view of Hillary Clinton. It's not possible to have been a proud supporter of hers, and to now "make a stand" by supporting an NRA, Evangelical, pro-lifer sitting on a vat of oil. "I haven't given much thought to the Iraq war", she said.

    I think you need to do some more research. Please do.

  13. Well, if you are talking about the average woman out there, there is no finer representative than Sarah Palin.

  14. Honey, I have been upset too.

    The ugliness being spewed about a woman on here that most people never even heard of until yesterday was truly just about all I could take.  I am a conservative, and you may not like my views, but you can always email me if you get too sad.  Us girls need to stick together.

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