
Mats sundin.............?

by  |  earlier

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any news on mats sundin ? is he retired, did he join a team is he negotiating?




  1. The Ranger rumors are pretty fun to read.  He will not make his decision until September, but I still am unsure of where he will be going.

  2. Good lord..  Aren't we all tired of the Sundin saga by now? Seriously!!! It's not like he won the cup last year.. he hasn't played a game since early April.. yeah... almost 5 months!!  He's a great player but he's not the 2nd coming of Christ.  

  3. On the Aug.25 we will here more. If he doesn't sign with Detorit he won't win a cup so he might as well sign for the money and join the Canucks.

  4. yep the rangers

    he will sign on sept 15  

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