
Matt hardy has a big fan base, hasn't done drugs, been wrestling over 10 years in the wwe i think?

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so why in the blue h**l would the wwe put the belt on cmpunk instead of matt whos given his heart and soul into the busness




  1. I like Matt Hardy. He's a great wrestler. And CM Punk too. I think its good that he has the belt. Besides, Matt is on Ecw and Punk's on Raw.

  2. Punk has been on ECW and RAW...Matt wasn't on those would have to pick someone on smackdown instead of punk...the creative team never let matt get into the main events to fight for the title...if they did..he would have probably had the title before punk. Matt is now on ECW and getting the chance. HE BETTER WIN :) i do agree he's wayyy overdue. i love matt. i really hope him and jeff both win at would make it the best ppv of the year. or ever lol.

  3. good question, i was wondering the same thing. i think it's because cm punk has more fan.

  4. <- <- <-  That's what i have been saying.

    I think they spent a little too much time with him being a tag team. He was doing great in his single matches then when Jeff returned they put them back together and i think during that time CM Punk was then getting the ECW title maybe cause this was in 2007 when the Hardyz were still teaming together. I think they have finally realized that it's time for them both to go for major titles and i'm sure Matt will have either the WWE or World championship within the next year.

  5. It's about context.

    Matt Hardy as the Version 2.0 was never main event over. He was never really a world title contender at that point. It is only in recent times has Matt Hardy been over enough to warrant a world title reign. CM Punk has gotten over in ECW, he was just lucky enough to come along at a time where stars can get a push right from the get-go. He comes along at a time where wrestlers like Kurt Angle can receive a title in his first year, where Randy Orton was just come up and be the youngesr world champ ever after only a few years. Matt Hardy developed in the Attitude Era, where the Rock was the only real wrestler to immediately gain a world title, and never truly became a main event contender until recent months.

    Also, may I add, that Matt Hardy was still off the roster during the time of the 2008 Money in the Bank ladder match. If both Hardys had actually participated in the match, then it is very likely one or the other would have been the MITB winner instead of Punk. If Jeff was still in the match, he would have been MITB. But instead he was suspended for drugs, which is nothing but his fault and his fault alone. If Jeff was suspended and Matt was in the match, he probably would've been MITB instead of Punk. Unfortunately for Matt, he was coming out of the injury at the time and they decided to use him as a surprise run-in instead of an actual participant. The WWE obviously wanted a face to win it and the only face left in the MITB match (Chris Jericho was turning heel, Kennedy was turning face but they didn't want a repeat) was CM Punk. That is how the cookie crumbles.

    Admittedly, Punk caught lucky breaks. Is that his fault? No. He didn't force Jeff Hardy to take drugs, he didn't injure Matt Hardy, he didn't force them to start on a loaded Attitude Era roster nor did he make them not world title contenders in the early stages of their careers. Punk was lucky. He was in the right place at the right time. Does that make him a bad champion? No. Many wrestlers have been champion due to lucky breaks in the company, and they've gone on to be some of the best champions around. To complete the circle, it's about context. Some wrestlers catch the lucky breaks. Others don't. Most of the time, it's no one's fault. It just depends on what you do with it, and Punk has been doing his best despite awkward booking, awful scripted promos by the writers, and a limited style.

    What if Matt Hardy switched places with Punk? Would you be asking this same question then?

  6. i agree matt's been in the wwe for many years now, and deserves some credit, i think both hardy (matt and jeff) are being over look by Vince and the wwe creative team, but i still believe that matt will get his hand on the world title on day.

  7. The real question is why give a belt to Jeff Hardy all he will do is sell it for drugs

  8. dunno y dude.i ask the same question u know!and super crazy also

    has a fan base and has been on all 3 brands!!!

    anyway back to ya question!-i dunno dude.hardy rocks.i like his gimmick better than jeff's new less goth-more agressive-more reckless-

    meaner to other wrestlers gimmick!but wwe uses hardy more.neither

    hardy has been a wwe world champ yet!

  9. Creative team=idiots.

  10. I agree. I don't understand some of the decisions that WWE makes in regards to who gets titles and who doesn't.

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