
Mature creates the deputy minister for social networking

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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Government meetings should be held henceforth in a sports arena, according joking Twitter users network Tuesday night in Venezuela. Just hours earlier, President Nicolas Maduro had to appoint and swear in charge of newly created 107 new deputy ministers by the president, a second level of hierarchy in the executive cabinet of 29 ministers.

Maduro, who took " very personal responsibility" for the frond chart incorporating the state does not think it is a bureaucratic burden that will weigh on timely decision making in his still young government nine months. On the contrary, says that this is a necessary measure to streamline the management to pending and urgent tasks.

Precisely, teasing that measure raised in social networks illustrated one of the emergency that Venezuelan President seeks to meet with the multiplication of charges: control these networks.

Social networks, with Twitter leading the way, have become the last frontier of freedom of expression in Venezuela. The self-styled Bolivarian revolution and has used various levers to subdue the broadcast media to its dictates, and to keep at bay the print media. However, not have it all to tame networks of limited capacity mobilization so far, but source of hoaxes and opinions that often irritate government officials.

Hence, the most striking description of the day was that of José Miguel Spain as the new deputy minister of Social Networks, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Minci). With its Orwellian name, is supposed to have as its mission to monitor trends in content networks and promote favorable to the ruling, driven label or hashtags. In one of his first trills, the official declined to describe his own role differently: " Ask the networks an area of ​​peace and inclusion."

There is little that is known of Spain. Learned that he is an engineer by profession and was at the head of a branch of the Libertador Municipality (center - west of Caracas) by former Vice President Chavez Jorge RodrÃ_guez. To further accentuate the unknowns in your profile, twitter account from which began issuing statements, @ JoseMEspa, was opened just a couple of hours before the swearing officer and since the late Tuesday night had left working. The account had been disclosed, in turn, from the official user of the Vice President of the Social Area, @ vice - social.

While they determined whether the injured debut of the new deputy minister responded to a mischief of an impostor in the network or a deliberate blocking other appointments of the day also provided material for irony. Among them, the Carolina Cestari as new Deputy Minister for Social Supreme Happiness. The office was created last October - " in honor of BolÃ_var and Chávez " - by President Maduro to coordinate programs of government welfare, known as " missions." Then I took over the body of former government deputy Rafael Rios.

Cestari long served as personal assistant to the current first lady, Cilia Flores, when it served as president of the National Assembly from 2006 to 2011. The new deputy was producing space Hojilla Venezolana de Television, the main state channel before. The Hojilla was long the favorite program of the late Hugo Chavez. Space, controversial for his foul language and lewd handling information obtained by intelligence agencies surreptitiously left the air in May 2013, shortly after opposition MPs disseminate a recording of a telephone conversation in which the driver program Mario Silva, was a Cuban- caller presumably intelligence officer Aramis Palacios- a report of internal intrigue in the government of Nicolas Maduro. On the tape, Cestari Silva referred to as a " chick who is evil."

 Tags: creates, deputy, mature, Minister, networking, social


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