
Mature guys, your advice please?

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My boyfriend says he has now lost all interest in going out on friday and saturday nights, to bars and clubs and stuff. He used to like it so much. I'm wondering what's wrong. Have any guys out there just suddenly stopped going out with the guys?




  1. Yeah. I feel like that sometimes. Maybe he experienced something he disliked in the club or bar. Have you guys left a bar or club and he was all pissed off? He also could of hit a snig in his money spending.

  2. He's probably fallen out with his mates. It's happened to me before.

  3. It could be a sign that he has matured away from these rather shallow pursuits. I would take it as a positive. Maybe he wants to settle down. Maybe the high life is taking too much out of him, so that he can't function at work, spending too much money, damaging health etc.

  4. BRENTlad and Von Watermelon are probably right

  5. It could be depression.

    Or he may be getting close to old age.

    When he starts hitting Middle Age watch out!  That's when he starts driving flashy cars and questions whether or not he's still hot to young(er) women.

  6. you reach a certain age then become disillusioned with the whole going out thing its all pretence and bravado with the youngsters fuelled by alcohol ,you become contented with your own surroundings and its a cheaper night in with a few tins and theres more to do what with internet dvds on on line gaming not to mention getting loved up on the sofa

  7. It sounds to me as though your boyfriend is maturing. There is nothing wrong with that at all. I'm 25 and I have lost almost all interest in that scene. Waiting in line to use the toilets, waiting in line to get a drink, waiting in line to get in, being crammed into a room like Japanese commuters on a subway train, paying $10 for a beer, paying $25 just to walk in the door, etc...

    Just because I don't like bars/clubs anymore doesn't mean that I never go out or have a good time. It just means that I do different things these days, and it's probably the same for your boyfriend.

  8. sounds weird.  has he fallen out with any of the guys?  has anything happened that might make him feel depressed and withdrawn?  

    you dont suddenly lose all interest in going out for no reason.  maybe you need to find out what that reason is

  9. Hey, maybe it is a problem or maybe it is not. I think it is probably it not that exciting anymore or that he maybe wants to spend some time in the house with you..

  10. He probably lost a bet and owes someone A LOT of coin.  So much coin that he can't afford to go out on the weekends.

  11. its expensive! and he probly woeks for his money unlike spoiled friends?

  12. Nothing wrong with that at all. He obviously prefers to be with you.

  13. Well it couold be that he would rather spend his time with you?  I found that I came to a point where the Friday/Saturday night out became boring, the same old, same old.

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