
Mausterbating need help with this.?

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were can i find a guide for christians




  1. Most religions will say it is wrong and a sin , but virtually every young guy masturbates at least once per day

    It is a natural urge and you should not feel guilty that you do it  

  2. all boys christian or not tend to m********e, there is no guide per say

    it is not mentioned in the bible

    here is a site that may help

    it has a christian slant to it but is very fair  and has good information

  3. I'm Catholic, and my church advises against masturbation but some other Christian denominations say its ok, but it is mainly seen as a sin.

    I still do it though, because it is natural and about 97% of guys do it. You shouldnt feel guilty. But if your religion says it's bad, you probably shouldn't do it.  

  4. This comment is from a Christian minister -  be sure to read it all through, as the beginning is a bit confusing:

    A full spectrum of views is represented at

    For me the decisive argument is that masturbation is so good for your health. This is from Wikipedia:

    "A 1997 study in the British Medical Journal based upon 918 men age 45-59 found that after a ten year follow-up, men who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those having two or more orgasms a week."

    Other studies have found that frequent masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer - a doctor who studied the evidence recommended that teenagers m********e at least six times a week.

    I believe that a loving God wants us to look after our health, and to be guided by the discoveries of medical science. Hope this helps!

  5. As a christian myself I would love to be able to tell you where you could find this guide. A guide if one exist would be written by man and would only reflect his point of view on this matter. We Know the Bible is our Manual, tho we often stray from its teachings. I myself have to deal with these same issues,and many others and I find that regardless how hard I try I can not be perfect, So I give in to some of life's pleasures. Some I know are wrong others I hardly think about either way. I know I am forgiven and that is good enough for me. Hope I have helped. Believe me you are not alone.

  6. Its a normal healthy thing to do from around age 13- on up though the urge may decrease after you are married and in your late 30's.  Enjoy the gift God has given you.  The comedian the late George Carlin puts its best.  "If God didnt want us to m********e, he would have made our arms just a couple inches shorter."

    I really dont think there is a guide for Christians per se.  but the link to the Baptist Deacon's story above is good.

    Bit O Honey-- he never mentioned looking at p**n.  Your answer tells us more about YOU than anything else.

  7. Here is a link:


  8. if you Christian you shouldn't be looking at p**n. get a real women cmon now seriously.

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