
Max mosley told to stay away from bahrain GP. is F1 in danger of becoming a joke with max mosley still in it?

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Max mosley told to stay away from bahrain GP. is F1 in danger of becoming a joke with max mosley still in it?




  1. Obviously he's been set up, but ...

    If you don't do things like that, you can't be necked like that ...

    He should resign (some high ranks have suggested him to do so), but he doesn't want to go...

    He thinks that, now the judge has decided in his favour, the whole world believes him that it was NOT kinky s*x involving 'role play' of n**i's and their torture/death camps...

    But we are NOT stupid are we?

    He should resign for the sake of everybody.

    He can be lucky they didn't lock him up.

    He might be a mason, it saved his '' ... :-)

  2. Max with 5 of them..........woah.............That old man still has

  3. Teacup - storm.

    Wait a while and it'll all blow over.

  4. what his is doing in his private life has nothing to do with F1. if a driver has done there might have been no reaction. so i don't understand what all this fuss is about.

  5. He has been cleared of wrongdoing, no sick n**i nonsense, by the Judge, who specifically pointed out that someones sexual preferences are a private matter.

    The newspapers allegedly sometimes pay for stories, without necessarily checking the accuracy of such stories.

    It is time that privacy laws were tightenned in my opinion.

    How would we like it if someone were in our bedrooms spying ? Consenting adults in private etc. etc. !

    Max Mosley has been good for F1 in my opinion.

    Unfortunately the British press often goes out of its way to destroy so called " celebrities "

    and has destroyed many over the years in all walks of life.

    In my opinion, if allowed to continue, the time will come when some prestigeous jobs are not contested, and therefore the best are not recruited.

    Football especially, but all sport, including F1 !

    The Bahrain GP coincided with the headlines, now proven unfounded.

    The term " news-paper " is the joke !

    There is very little news in any of them !

    There are lots of serious news items happening around the world, but very little effort put into reporting it.

    I guess it takes more effort than s**t !

  6. F1 has been a joke for years...

  7. That's a laugh. Manama has one of the biggest S+M scenes going.

  8. The Bahrain Gp was months ago... when the Nudes of the World had first released their scandal story... he was told to stay away to keep a low profile when his reputation was at its lowest...

    I think now the consensus is that whilst he admitted to engaging in s*x games like this... the n**i connotations that the papers implied was entirely false and slanderous... based purely on his father's past... If we look at what Moseley's done for F1 he is a great asset and much better than Ballestre before him, despite some of his worse decisions such as those regarding the Spygate issue last year... he may not be a nice man, but he takes his job very seriously and should be applauded for that at least...

  9. Yep. He was the reason for the FARCE in 2005.

  10. .

    Dan....true, true, mate...I hated that arrogant Ballestre a.hole.

    I think the asking of Bahrain for Max not to attend was largely a reflection on Bahrain...

    Read into it what you will...


  11. Mosley should take his millions and fu*k off

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