
Max spent on vet care for rodents?

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Sometimes I think people don't understand that even though the rodent they just bought was $5-$20 that vet care can cost far, far more.

What was the most you spent on vet care (visit, procedure, meds, etc)? Keep it to rodents and please state what kind of animal it was and what was wrong with it.

I spent $200 ($50 on visit, $150 on surgery) to have a small mammary tumor removed from my pet rat. If I wanted to have a lab analyze the tumor, that would have cost another $100.





  1. I've spent tons of money on vet visits for my mice; the biggest one-time expense was about $200 for an abscess surgery on a mouse. I've never had a tumor removed, as I hear they come back very quickly; a lot of my mice and rats died from tumors. But I will always take them to the vet for something treatable, and over the years I've treated resp. infections, lesions, parasites, you name it. Each vet visit - $40 just to walk in the door, plus meds. So yeah, it's an expensive commitment.

  2. It cost me £16 ($32 effectively) to cremate my guinea pig.

    Ripoff or what?!

  3. I spent over $1,000 on the 3 rats I had. They kept giving their URI back and forth. Plus one had a tumor. And When I was giving my female I was not informed she was going to have babies. So when they were all old enough I had to take them to the Vet, I wanted to make sure they all were healthy before finding them new homes.  

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