
Max sure gave the Nudes of the World a sound thrashing don't you think?

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Was he a little more TANNED than usual?

Serves the NOTW right for talking SMACK...etc etc

..........all said with an Austin Powers voice....





  1. First of all let me say I personally find the outcome particularly pleasing.

    The invasion of privacy by the News of the World backed by n**i style orgy claims was complete toss.

    As I leave work and head home to my wife dressed as an SS officer (maybe more like I've just left the 'Blue Oyster club' but anyway) I feel vindicated.

    And horny at the same time.

    Only drawback is this decision has scared journalists off and chances of me getting paid for "pleasuring" my wife look slim.

    My wives' chances of getting my car and house look considerably better.

    More disturbing is the fact that next time Max walks down the stairs into a remote underground torture chamber there won't be anyone around filming.

    Oh the pain!!!

  2. Well he certainly KICKED their @rses. I wonder if he had bondage gear on under his suit lol. I wonder what he will do with the money. if he wants to look good and get a bit of respect back then he should donate it to charity (and whatever he wins when he goes after the rest of the papers, which I heard today he is).

    I still hope his wife BEATS him black and blue, but in his defence, I saw the vid and there was no n**i stuff. frankly I'm gobSMACKED that he got it up at all let alone with 5 SLAPPERS! guess that Viagra he WHIPPED up certainly HIT the spot eh

  3. BOOBOO, the News of the World were wrong to delve into his privacy like that, but they don't need public sympathy when many people would still be on their side because it was a case of Morality vs. Privacy.

    The European Laws really are taking away our freedom of speech, like political correctness, and it they haven't been passed in parliament, therefore it should not be up to a judge to enforce these rules, they should ignore them because they have not been properly put in place.

    Simply put: The News of the World are idiots, but these privacy laws should be decided in parliament, not for each individual judge to decide to enforce them or not.

  4. I read the verdict with the analysis of the evidence and it completely destroyed the n**i claims. It was total err... domination.

    And yeah he had s*x with 5 girls at the same time and he got paid for it.. And the money goes to the FIA foundation according to Mosley. A strange way to raise money but it worked.

    He paid 2500 £, but the NOTW will pay him around a million £ including the cost of Mosley's legal team.

  5. I'm glad they took one up the **** from the judge; Max didn't just beat them, he smacked them out of court! I hope that the NOTW finds it's hands tied by the law the next time they get offered an "exclusive" like that.

  6. Although the more pious and savage of the red top rags, the News of the Screws were out of order. If they had left the n**i element out of it,  this would've been forgotten about in a matter of weeks but, for extra sensationalism, they pushed the envelope and it has cost them greatly and may well end the lucrative business of kiss and tells that litter these papers on a weekly basis.

    Max was fully within his rights to defend himself. Frankly, it takes a lot of chutzpah for a 68 year married father to put himself in a courtroom and admit to sadomasochistic s*x with 5 prostitutes all to defend his right to privacy. I admire his determination.

    Unfortunately now, all this has devalued and overshadowed the office of FIA president and as his point is proved,  should do the correct thing and step down with his head only slightly held high.

    Well done Max, now say bye bye's.

  7. I heard the NOTW trying to whip up some public sympathy by saying that new European directives were to blame for the ruling...about as much truth in that allegation as in the ones which got them into trouble in the first place. Max gave them a good shafting, that's the main thing.


    Apparently the woman who filmed it has now said that she would "just get on my knees and apologise" if she saw Mosley again... not a sight I'd want to see...

    and @SFM It's the fault of OUR politicians if European laws are taking over...they don't HAVE to implement them: just look at France, they make all the rules for everyone else, then they don't actually put them into practice at home. It was wrong of the NOTW editor to try and defend his actions after the judge had given his ruling, and now he's getting himself sued for libel too. Serves him right.

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