
Maximum number of members per group?

by  |  earlier

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what is the maximum number of members I can have in my group? It says add 50 email addresses - I have more than that




  1. You can have as many members as you wish.  There is no maximum number of members in any group.  

    I think you might be talking about Inviting people to join your group.  When you are sending Invites to prospective members, you can include 50 email addresses per invite.  After you have sent an invite with the first 50 addresses, do another invite with up to 50 more addresses.  Repeat until you have covered all the addresses you desire.  

    For more information on Inviting people to your group, go to the Yahoo Groups Invite Help page.

    (If you are Adding members to your group, there's a limit of 10 per day)

  2. I guess there are no restrictions about member numbers. You may have a look at this:

    This group has 109139 members right now.

    What you may mean may be explained by the following links I presume:

    Hope these help.

  3. I believe that is per day- only relating to the add feature. a group has no limit to the amount of members it has although it does have a warning when adding:

    It’s against the Yahoo! Groups Terms of Service to add people to your group without their permission. Yahoo! Groups provides the Add Members feature as a convenience to group moderators for those occasions that require directly importing a few email addresses to a group. If you abuse this feature, your group will be deleted and your Yahoo! account will be suspended.

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