My son's car seat says he can be rear-facing up to 35 lbs. I just saw some videos though showing the difference between what happens in a crash when the seat is front vs rear-facing and it is beyond dramatic. I now want to keep him facing backwards as long as possible.
So I'm wondering why at 35 lbs it's safer to be facing front than rear? If he's 36 or 38lbs, could a pound or few really make that much of a difference in terms of HAVING to turn him forwards? Surely the benefits from facing rear don't automatically go away at 35 lbs. What makes the car seat safer facing front after 35 lbs?
After seeing those videos it would take a lot to convince me to turn him around until he just didn't fit rear anymore.
I also read that in Sweden children face rear until age 6 or 7 regularly, and they have only had like 9 deaths in 10 years, and those were just from accidents where everyone died. 9 deaths! That's it! Where can I get a rear-facing car seat that will fit him for that long!