
May I ask this one simple question?

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Don't you think that the Jonas Brothers are REALLY hairy? :O

Mwahaha. Just asking :D




  1. Who are they?

  2. no they aren't hairy only kevin is  

  3. well i think joe is rather on the sasquatch side

  4. lmfao haha yes ;]

  5. They're guys. What do you expect?

  6. How would we know?

    I don't sit there and magnify pictures of them to determine if they are hairy or not.

  7. no u may not ask this simple question since your simple brain never understood the phenomenon of:IF U HATE THE JONAS BROTHERS LEAVE THEM ALONE! r u lifeless or wht!

  8. No I don't. Not really.

    PS. I'm PRO Jonas but I won't cry about it. It's a stupid question though.

  9. no they just dudes

  10. no, they havent hit puberty yet.

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