
May I be excused folks for 15 minutes, while I re-boot my computer which has turned into a tortoise?

by  |  earlier

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Or it may h just be BOOTED right out the window...if I can lilt the D@MNED thing!!!

Be back in 15!

Grecia, Thanks!




  1. You've got to come out of your shell more hon! lol.

  2. Hahaha, No I must'nt laugh cos I know what it feels like, I had same problem a few weeks ago.

    Try defragmenting.

  3. that shouldn't happen to you unless you have spyware, a virus or lots of junk that needs to be cleaned up. download CCleaner (c**p cleaner) and run it. you'll see a difference in performance

  4. Take as long as you need Grecia...We have all the time in the world..

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