
May I just say bravo, Madam?

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  1. We feel the same in the England, although I think there will be opposition to Charles and Camila

    After the death of his father, King George V, Edward VIII assumed the throne of England on 21 January 1936. Not even a year later, Edward was forced to renounce the throne due to his intentions of marrying his American mistress, Wallis Simpson. At the time, Simpson was still married to her second husband, Ernest Aldrich Simpson, a shipping magnate. Edward abdicated on 10 December 1936, his younger brother Prince Albert becoming King George VI two days later.

    It is thought he may be forced to give up his claim to the throne, the public would by far prefer King William.

  2. Here a similar survey conducted in Dec 28, 2007 regarding how the Brits felt about the British monarchy:

    Poll respondents back UK monarchy: Almost 80% of people questioned in a telephone poll for the BBC have said Britain should retain its monarchy. Some 78% of respondents agreed that Britain should still have a royal family and 19% disagreed. Asked if the monarchy should end when Queen Elizabeth dies, 68% disagreed and 28% agreed. When asked if there will be a monarchy in 30 years' time, 80% said yes and 15% said no. Meanwhile, a separate poll has suggested that most young people would keep the monarchy, despite more than half saying the royals do not provide value for money. Nearly 70% of 18 to 24-year-olds would keep the royals and overall only 16% of people would vote for a republic.

    The poll of 1,004 people, commissioned by Discovery Channel, found that over 80% thought that Prince William's girlfriend Kate Middleton would be a good addition to the Royal Family. But William's stepmother Camilla received less support from the public - with less than half of those questioned saying she was a good ambassador for the Royal Family. Almost 70% of people said they still had more admiration for Diana, Princess of Wales, than for Prince Charles's new wife.

    Retrived at

  3. I think it's amazing the way the Queen has held things together and maintained her image. Really, the only time I remember her looking bad was after Diana's death. If only the Prince of Wales commanded the same respect....

  4. The role of the Prince of Wales is to wait and be ready to step in when the monarch dies. Right now he is dismissed because he doesn't count. But when he becomes king, then he can be judged. But before anyone rushes off to a republic, remember who the next Prince of Wales and subsequent king will be? William. The monarchy will survive, as it has for over 1,000 years.

  5. English speaking Canadians feel the same way, support for Liz, but not so enthusiastic about Chucky.

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