
May I offer a poetry challenge on this theme demonstrated in the details below?

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“It is a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals.” Felix Frankfurter.

When I read this the other day, I was a little surprised.

Justice Frankfurter sat on Earl Warren’s court when they unanimously overturned Plessy v. Ferguson (Jim Crow) in 1954. He clearly had had a change of heart, probably helped along by the challenging attorney, Thurgood Marshall.

I would like to hear you thoughts on this, in verse, of course, any form or style.




  1. Who is to judge who is unequal?

    Is it to be a decision of their peers?

    But if one is yet not judged unequal

    How is the peer selected? ♥

  2. The wise man also said:

    And when cream is added

    is not the coffee smoother?

    And when sugar is added

    is not the coffee sweeter?

    But when both are added

    is not the coffee better?

  3. "Show me, I'll see

    Involve me, I'll understand.

    (a quote I have read along the way)

  4. Whiners and a$$h0les

    Fighting for one bowl

    Such a useless goal

    Playing scorn and scold

    Till they get out of control

    It weakens their soul

    The winner is the troll.

  5. When a person can no longer laugh at himself

    it is time for others to laugh at him

    You can pretend to be serious

    you can't pretend to be witty.

    some wise guy

  6. If Y!A allows it...

  7. This is all you get in 5 minutes:

    In a classroom

    there are many

    some who love

    the work they do

    others never

    can do any

    though it's not

    their fault, it's true.

    If a child

    is found unequal

    we must help

    to pave the way

    "extra help"

    is one such answer

    to success

    in later days.

  8. Inequality unequaled,

    the mind perceiving,

    but perception a form

    of inequality in itself.

    Conundrum politics,

    believing the antics of


    pregidous interpretations

    of inequal perception,

    striving for equality

    only to engender


  9. I feel it is most important to treat each other as equals and if this is done then nothing else needs to be said!

    Since you do have this person saying this

    "It is a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals."

    To me this is contradictory one place he is saying every one is equal and in another place he is saying people are unequal!

    This my understanding of what is being said!



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