
May I offer soldiers information packets, or should I just use my voice

by  |  earlier

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Hello all again. I was just thinking a minute ago. While reading over some comments made from my previous entry. I was wondering, if, being I am a code pink protester, and an openly g*y man, so military does not like me much already, if instead of protesting so much, would you think it is a better idea for me to send out information packets to troops regarding our views and stands on issues, so that they can get a better idea of us instead of each one getting into a verbal fight?

I would think the troops at least would be more professional than normal people on the street, as is demonstrated each time we protest.

Thank you and peace to you.

oh, and Libspray... what is your deal? Sorry to sound rude, but please explain to me your nasty comments you make, and why I needed to know your nickname was Bus?




  1. Why would you want to do that? They would throw it.

  2. You will not be allowed to hand stuff out on base, plus please stay away from our TROOPS they need uncontaminated air to breath so they will stay healthy. People who belong to pink spew so much BS they pollute the air with methane.


    @dded :

    Si Vic Pacem Para Bellum

  3. You may do anything you wish, those soldiers fight for this country and it interests. They are not really interested in anyone's opinion except their superiors and colleagues. People in the military are not there to have a political agenda, they are there to do as ordered, whether they believe in it or not.

    These people have a code of duty, honor, and country. For the most part they have a value system that is unshakable, whether you or I agree or not. If you wanted to give a message to the troops to let them understand your position I would suggest a care package with a thank you card for the sacrifices they are making. I would add in that a note with what your agenda is and why. Most of all be respectful to them and most all will return that favor.  If you feel  it necessary to share your opinion of the war, please understand if you say you support the soldiers but not the war that doesn't sit well.

    How would you feel if one said I'm fine with homosexuality I just hope f**s all die of aids.

    Realize in a war you want one side to when or you want it to lose.

  4. The Army's policy is Don't Ask, Don't Tell.  Those of us who are straight don't wanna know.  Please from a soldiers point of view don't.  We fight for you to have your opinion, but most of us dont want to hear about it.

  5. Leave it to your voice and be glad that we've secured the freedoms you have today. Despite what your "Code Pink" idiot buddies have made you believe, the freedoms you have today were bought and paid for with the blood of the very people your entire group has deemed as "Baby Killers." Your "group" has no respect for those of us who have served, be it in the past, present, or future. We're the ones who defend you when no one else will. Do you really think that you have gotten to the position you're in today without the Military?

  6. The big problem that Code Pink has is that they directly attack us with thier counter-recruiting program.  YOU CANNOT SUPPORT THE TROOPS AND NOT THE WAR WHEN YOU DIRECTLY ATTACK A MILITARY MISSION.

    Offering information is one thing, but when you activly try to shut down recruiting and recruiting stations, you are now impeding the troops.  Setting up a booth at a job fair is alright, but shutting down stations, ROTC programs and advertising is an impedement of a military mission.  Your group seems to want to shut down free speech.  They appear to only want thier ideas spoken, but freedom of speech goes both ways, and that includes the government and the military.  They government gets to say what it want, and you get to say what you want, that is free speech.  Shutting down the governments speech is not freedom of speech which is what shutting down military recruitment advertising does.  

    Shutting down voluntary recruitment will mean we have to go back to a draft again, unless a draft is what your group really wants.  

    You group loses all credibility with the military on that point of your mission and campaigns as stated on your website.  Most of the rest of the actions that the military does not agree with you on are individual things, such as calling us murderes.  I do not think that is a Code Pink organizational statement, but individual within Code Pink do.

    The big thing about sending out your materials is, what is the real intent.  The counter recruitment policy of Code Pink is a direct attack on us.  How do you propose to build a bridge to us while attacking one of our missions?  Is the intent of your matrial only to inform, or is it to undermine our reasons for being in the military?  But the attack on recruiting alone puts up a wide, uneven canyon between us.  

  7. I now know why I bought a shredder.

  8. I'm afraid you would be wasting a lot of time and postage.  I suspect most active military will either mark return to sender or just toss your packet.  Remember they are fighting so you have the right to express your opinion, but since it's a volunteer force, most will probably not agree with you.

  9. Please save the paper and don't bother.  Most military aren't going to take the time to read it and it will end up in the trash.  At least used recycled paper if you feel the need to push your views on others.

    I wouldn't waste my time reading it..but I would recycle the litter!

  10. Not trying to be rude here, but I come into close contact with soldiers on a daily basis... they would probably toss it into the trash with all the other junk mail.

  11. You can keep your info and send it to Capitol Hill. We don't make the policy in the military, but they do, so save your rant for them. Thank you though for trying to educate us but we aren't all cavemen....

  12. just..........go away, moron!

  13. No, it would not be better to send out information packets.  It would be a waste of your time and money.

  14. I think it is very wrong to give any type of protesting information to the people who are out there to serve this country. As a fellow soldier I can tell you it is like a big slap in the face. Be happy we give you the freedom to protest. Don't offend us by telling us why we shouldn't do what we signed up for.

  15. It probably won't do any good to use info packs or your voice. Most soldiers like myself dont take part in your beliefs. But, by all means, believe what you believe. After all, this is America, and my brothers in arms and I fight for that freedom.

    I ask that you only heed this warning. Be careful what you say or send in info packs.

    "Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil."

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