
May I please get about 6 more answers.?

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My dad hardly ever checks the oil and water in his truck. He mainly checks the oil and water in my moms car for her once a month so why does he just check hers once a month and hardly ever checks his?




  1. y don't you ask him?

  2. Don't you get tired of asking the same stupid question week after week?

  3. Not knowing the vehicles nor your parents, I'm afraid I can't give a good answer.  Maybe he loves his wife more than himself.  Or maybe his truck is a clunker and he's kind of hoping it will finally, please, die.  Or many other possible reasons, some of which might be as simple as maybe he checks his truck when you're not around.

  4. If he's like my dad was, it's because he drives his truck and figures he knows if something is leaking leaking or it's running funny, but he doesn't fully trust your mom to do it herself or she's said something in the past that made him think she wouldn't do it.  

  5. Why does it matter? Geez what a stupid question!

  6. he loves her and wants yu 2 to be safe! why, else would he waste his timeee.? hope this helpsss.

  7. Maybe he's checked his own engine enough to be confident that it loses very little water and oil. Be glad that he checks your mother's engine. A lot of people never check anything.

  8. because he knows how his vehicle is doing & that ur mom isnt gonna check it

  9. Here's my answer... now thanks for the 2pts!

  10. i dunno you should remind him to check his oil.  

  11. why does it matter?

    maybe you dont see him check his oil and water

  12. Maybe he forgets to.

  13. Probably because he cares about her and doesn't want her to be stranded on the side of the road due to car problems.

  14. Because he worries about her more than himself. He is concerned about her, not his vehicle. He wants to make sure he has done everything in his power to keep her as safe as possible.

    To be honest, this might also be his way of showing his love. Some people do things for their spouse (significant other, etc.) to show how much they love them and care about them.

  15. Here's an answer! Hope this helps!

  16. he wants her to be safe but u should remind him to check his so he can be safe to  

  17. He worries about her more than himself :)

  18. he looovvvveeeesssssss ur mom,duh

  19. ermm...idk...

    go ask him.!! [:

  20.   Are you with your father 24/7? Are you a blond ?He probally checks his at a time your not looking  LOL

  21. maybe he thinks his truck is higher quality than your moms car. how do you know he doesn't check it?

  22. Maybe he does, you just don't see him doing it. Or he has a newer truck that does not need to be checked that often.  

  23. 6 answers or inches?

  24. He's not to bright father like son i guess.

  25. He loves your mom and wants her to be safe.  He knows that he can take care of himself if he breaks down, and your mom probably can't.

  26. hes more concerned for HER safety

  27. Maybe because he wants her to be safe. He puts her before himself.

  28. please stop asking this question, we've already answered a million times why...for maintenance

  29. He checks her oil because he knows she probably will not remember to do it.  Most women do not think of this.  I don't.   So, my husband did this for me.  I forgot to do this to one of my vehicles, and had to get a new engine.  The car was only 2 years old.   I did not think of maintenance.  He probably gets the gas station attendant to check his oil of his truck while getting gas or he checks it from time to time when he gets gas.  This is nice that he does this for your mom.  More than likely, your mom is busy doing a lot of other things for him.

  30. Next time he does your mums remind him to do his as well.

  31. this is not a marriage question. maybe he worries more about your mom and can tell when his truck needs something.

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