
May I please have some more answers.

by Guest61209  |  earlier

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My moms car is a 2006 so why should my dad check the oil and water in her car once a month since it is a newer model?




  1. Because he should. It is 2 years old and he is only being a responsible car owner. Maybe they are still in love and this is one of the things that he does for her.But, if he really loved her, he would check it more often.

    Although I understand Evil O on the whole "check it or replace it" theory-----if an engine would cost 6-7 thousand-----then you are being RIPPED OFF. But---that's how SOME mechanics are. I doubt he even IS a mechanic.

  2. Because even though the car is pretty new, it can begin leaking fluid.  Having enough Oil and Coolant in the engine is vital to it running.  If the engine runs out of oil it causes the motor to have more friction, heating the insides of the motor to the point it all freezes.  Then dad would need to spend 6 or 7 thousand dollars to replace the motor.

    The same goes for the "water," which is referred to as coolant.  If the coolant leaks out, the motor can't cool itself anymore and the engine "Overheats"  Overheating a motor causes damage, and in a worse cause scenario, ruins the motor to the point it would need to be replaced.

    Long story short, it is much less expensive to check the Oil and Coolant, maybe catching a problem before it becomes a really BIG problem.

  3. for any car really! this is something you should always do..there can be many factors as to why a car may be losing shouldn't be common for a new car to lose fluids but it is definitely still possible.  its better to know about a problem when its small than when your car won't turn over anymore because of lack of oil.

  4. Even though it's a newer model, especially so - It's a good thing to do some preventative maintenance.  It's like with a computer.  We don't buy them, and begin letting them 'go' right away, correct?  We take care of them, to last longer.

    As in your mom's case though - your dad's just looking out for the car and your mom's safety :)

  5. Yes, he needs to check it at least Once a month.  Whether she knows how to or not, it's just one of those things.  Just like I'm sure your dad knows how to cook, or do laundry, maybe your mom likes doing it for him, and is better at it.

    Such as your dad's probably better at it, and just doing his share.

    P.S. - You need points to ask.. you should answer some questions again.:)

  6. Evil O. has the best answer.  

  7. You are asking the wrong questions.

    You should be asking, "why does it bother me, for my dad to be so attentive to my mom's needs?  Am I jealous of Mom's affection for Dad?  Is it related to the weird fantasies I've been having about my mom?  Do I want to kill my dad and marry my mom?"

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