
May I point out that this Democrat controlled Congress has run up spending, NOT the President?

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Dems love to talk about how Bush has run up the national debt, but do people understand that the President has no authority to spend money without the consent of Congress? Congress spends the money, period. If Congress doesn't like the deficit, perhaps they should vote to cut spending. Why is this so hard to understand?




  1. Nice Try...Bush has been in office for eight years.  How long has the Congress been in office?  

    P.S.- The war in Iraq is costing billions with a "B" a day.

  2. Preaching to the choir.  I fondly recall 2006, $2 gas, all time high stock market, unemployment at an all time low.  Then we were swept up in the promises of a Democraticly controlled Congress.  Well we got sweeping change all right, $4+ gas, yo yo stock market with an 8 year low, and high unemployment.  Now we're being awed by a radical far left loon rock star promising us more of what we got from our Democraticly controlled Congress.  Fool me once shame on you.  Fool me twice shame on me.  Let's not be fools.

  3. Bush never vetoed a spending bill the republican congress sent to him. He does veto most of the dem  bills.

  4. They won't see that; they seem to forget the checks and balances when it comes to blame.

  5. You get a cookie.

    The majority of the US debt was racked up under Democratic controlled legislature.  The Republican went wild recently and paid the price for it by not having their base show upon election day.

    The deficit and the debt are two different monsters.

    The deficit is how much money over the amount we took in was spent.

    You have 1,000,000,000,000 to spend and you spend 1.500,000,000,000 your defect is 500,000,000,000 that amount gets added to the debt. A surplus is the opposite if you spend less than you bring in you can pay down the debt.

    Debt is how much total the US owes to bondholders and foreign governments.

    When the Republicans came into power we were not debt free.

  6. That spending started with the Republican Congress.  We didn't garner the debt we have in 18 months.

  7. i think both parties had a hand in it

    but republicans were worse

  8. Lies. Bush/Cheney intimidated congress - that's for sure. That makes them even worse than many thought. Both BUsh and Cheney are criminals that broke at least several dozens laws including constitution.

    So please, cut your republican c**p...It's boring

  9. You can point out what you want but to make me believe that the 2 year old Democratic congress has out spent the 6 year Republican congress is not going to happen.  Edit:  by the way, just how did the Democrats run up fuel prices?  Don't give me the c**p about drilling because the Republicans had 6 years to get that done.  It is nothing but an election year issue.

  10. NO You may NOT point that out. Spending was Run up when the democrats were not in control of congress... they've only been there for 2 years. And it's not a big enough majority to even control the house.

    Bush is a wild spender. He sucks at managing money. Just look at his career. It's ok. Not everyone can be good at everything. There are certainly some things that Bush is good at. But understanding finances, and controlling spending is defiantly one of his WORST qualities. Don't fool yourself. It's Bushes fault. Not everything is. But the wild spending is all him. Most of it came while the congress was republican controlled. Like I said Dems have only had a small majority in the house for 2 years.

    I understand, and feel very strongly that Bush takes a lot of un-due criticism. But come on. This issue is defiantly all him.

    The problem is not the Republicans or the Democrats. It's the Republicans AND the Democrats... This stagnant 2 party system has GOT to go.

    "Yes, at the time Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Dems took office in Jan 2007, gas averaged around $2 per gallon." - I think that's untrue, I can remember when I delivered Pizzas in 2004-2005 and gas prices were well over $2.60 a gallon even back then. Even if what you say is true, Then by your reasoning: Since prices have been steadily rising since Bush has been in office, it must be his fault. I remember when the Government was under complete democratic control.. gas was less than $1 a gallon. What's your point?

    Wake up! Both parties are inept!!!

  11. You are absolutely 100% correct. The constitution states that the congress is responsible for setting spending and appropriations.

    The spending has increased dramatically since 2006 when the democrats took control of the congress.

    And Nancy " Drain the swamp" Pelosi has done nothing to stop the run away spending.

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