
May I tempt you with a silly poem?

by  |  earlier

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How is it that a Thesaurus,

Is not a dinosaur?

Why doesn't metathree,

Come in front of metaphor?

Why does a skyline

Have no line at all?

Why after every Summer,

We all Fall?

Why doesn't a pin number

Have a point?

How can a reefer cigarette

Have a joint?

How come a green lemon

Is called a lime?

Why is it so darn lame,

To have free time?




  1. Finally, someone with thought and humor! I LOVE IT!! May I induce what I would have invoked?? Try this...


    How come a thesaurus

    Isn't a species of dinosaur?

    Why doesn't metathree

    Follow after metaphor?

    And why does a skyline

    Doesn't have a line at all?

    And why can't a megaphone

    Never receive my call?

    Why doesn't pin numbers

    Don't need refills of ink?

    Why can a reefer cigarette

    Make you over eat and think?

    Why is fat the smallest word

    But it means you're large?

    Why gettin' shocked and gettin' credit

    Uses the same word 'charge'

    I know that any soldier will tell you

    That freedom comes with a price,

    A rapper's jewelry isn't cold

    But they call it ice.

    You might die in the city

    Yet you still bought the farm,

    How can you make a lot of noise

    And set off a silent alarm... Why?

  2. Good one

  3. HAHA!!! That's pretty good... :)

  4. Ending my day with the giggles!

    I'm keeping this one, Semper.

  5. cute. i love it. clean lines... simple enough to be pleasing, deep enough to be thought provoking. keep it up.

  6. Of course you may! As long as I can tempt you with one back...

    Where, I say

    does time go away

    and as it slips on by

    does it go so very slow

    or does it seem to fly

    I'll never know

    to where it goes

    nor will I know why

    when pain is near

    or hearts in fear

    it seems to linger by

    and if there be

    perhaps for me

    a moment of delight

    a sunny day

    that comes my way

    or yet a moonlit night

    I hope and pray

    to make it stay

    or minimize it's flight

    but that is when

    it's gone again

    just when you're not aware

    so quickly goes the day

    it seems somehow unfair

    the tricks that time can play

  7. A star for you!

  8. You tempted me....I like nonsense like this, especially when looking a words.

    I love stories (whether true of not) which give the origins of words....Like, if Lord Wellington had become famous for his knitted jumpers, and Lord Cardigan for his rubber boots...we would be buttoning up our Wellington and pulling on a pair of cardigans.

  9. Good questions. Let us know when you find out the answers.

  10. You are a man after my own heart. In regard to "free time," I believe time is a gift . In fact, I like to give wristwatches to those I care for because "there is no present like the time."

  11. I love to write comedic poems myself!

    That was delightful!

    As odd as this may be, I'd crack myself up into severe stomach pains sometimes when I see some of the slang terms in the thesaurus!

  12. haha! nice one Semper!

    but why does free time cost so much?  :)

  13. Thanks for the first laugh of Monday morning!

  14. succeeded in tempting me....I love it!

  15. This is great - sure put a smirky smile on my face.  You have asked questions that portend a true philosopher in your blood. I will have to say, however - there really is a skyline - it is the boundary line between the earth and the sky. I think that people just - sometimes - misuse the word. Like when they say "look at the beautiful skyline - and are talking about the silhouettes of skyscrapers against the sky.  There is one - Why does a skyscraper not scrape the sky? I love the joyful act of whimsy - oh my ♥

  16. This is the first humorous poem I have read by you.  It is now precisely 4:59 AM on Monday morning.  Your poem was a treat to sip with my wake up cup of coffee.  Poetry should be fun as well as serious.  This one brought light into the early morning darkness.

  17. I love this...thank you for the smile this brought

  18. Reminds me of Gallagher on the old TV show Make Me Laugh.

    Great giggler.

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