
May a gentleman kick a door off its hinges in a emergency?

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Im not usually the sort of fellow to go around kicking doors off hinges, but for reasons to wearisome to detail, there is presently a locked door between myself and a crate of gin. Obviously myself and the gin need to become better acquainted.

Is there an etiquette to kicking doors to matchwood? The door in question is in the house of a particularly tiresome aunt of mine.




  1. Know how to pick a lock?

  2. Sir.

    Do you not employ people for this very eventuality?

    I have a man a Mr Terry McCann, sorry he doesn't do aunts

    Your having a Giraffe

  3. My dear Earl,

    That is no job for a man in your position. Get your butler to do it, then you can sack him for causing damage.

    Two birds with one stone!

  4. why hurt yourselve, see your local bobby they have a great tool for smashing doors down.

  5. Don't kick the door down. If it's yours politely acquire access.

    It's her house, but un-neighborly to lock the door to your gin (if its yours). In this case politely acquire access... Then move.

  6. Sir, surely you will give your aunt an aw full fright, resultant in heart failure, i would desist sir if i was you

  7. Yet another crisis caused by gin deprivation!  Indeed old chap, the situation warrants it.  What the devil is the door doing there anyway?  Your well-being is at stake.  Once the door has been kicked in you may use the splintered remains for a barbeque.  Now, I'll pop round with an urgent delivery of fresh limes.  I have organised a police escort, so should be there within minutes.

  8. doesn't sound like a true emergency, so no, it's not okay

  9. It would usually be considered a poor show to kick a door in yourself old boy but drastic times call for drastic measures, that gin won't drink itself after all. Maybe the aunt could do with similar treatment, locking a crate of gin out of the reach of a gentleman! I've never heard of such an outrage. Tip top.

  10. Certainly not.  One has people to carry out such tasks.  As the Harrow song goes:

    Lord Derby tried to mend the electric light

    The current struck him dead, and serve him right.

    It is the duty of the wealthy man

    To grant employment to the artisan.

  11. She locked the door for a reason....To keep ur paws off that gin.  So, go to the Pub.  Besides, thats ur Aunt ur talking about.  U still can be charged with Breaking and entering.

  12. My dear chum; why not just get a couple of native hoodlums to do the work for you?

    I'm sure in return for just a sip of the nectar contained therein they'll gladly kick the door down for you.

  13. is it locked by a deadbolt? is so with a 18v drill and a metal bit you can drill the two screws out of the deadbolt.

    if its just a simple entry door lock with a handle take a big pair of pliers to it then just squeeze and turn til the door opens.

    or just kick the door off the hinges, once you get the gin re-attach the hinges and re-secure the base board, grab some paint and caulking and auntie will never know you broke in.

  14. don't be violent,  be sly and nick the key

  15. I'm afraid your aunt wouldn't approve of finding matchwood where her door once was. In someone else's house it is not generally considered good etiquette to destroy their doors, so I'm afraid I'd have to advise you against it, unless of course it's particularly good gin.

  16. I am a gentleman too and I believe in equality, so if the situation arises, and a door does need to be kicked down I tend to wait for the first woman that comes along and have her do it!

  17. Find a small undernourished peasant boy, who can climb through the open pantry window and open the front door from the inside. Then give him a farthing for his trouble, but whip him soundly too, to make sure he doesn't tell anyone.

  18. I don't think the Bobbys would approve and I know your aunt wouldn't. Breaking and entering plus theft is good for about 5 years in the gaol. If Auntie were to suffer a stroke, during the misdeed, then they'd, probably, permanently confine you in the Tower of London.

  19. It is definately NOT permissable for a Gentleman to kick a door off its hinges.  A true Gentleman would have his man servant do it for him.

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