
May an outsider speak for a moment?

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I'm not a regular Pens fan, not a regular Wings fan. My heart broke for Fleury, it was overjoyed for Zetterburg. As an outsider Sabres fan, I want to commend you Pens fans for being so classy in defeat, and you Wings fans for being so gracious in victory. We'll ignore the idiots for tonight.

Question: Just me or, was it refreshing to see two teams part so amicably at the end of this game? I don't think any player walked out of their feeling unappreciated or disrespected by the other team.




  1. it was just a formality. Deep down Pitt is going to be ripping each other for there lack of team effort.

    these teams do notlike eachother, these ciies do not like eachother, the fans do not like eachother!

  2. Holmstrom and Gill's handshake was classic, it was all giggles.

  3. I am a Red Wings Fan and yes I feel Fleury's pain!!!!!!

    But at that point nobady knew where the puck was, so he does not need to feel like he lost the game. Kronwall scored for the Pens on Monday. Yes the hand shake was  gracious and both teams played hard.

    Repeat Next year!!!!

  4. That's another reason I <3 hockey. 99 % are classy guys.

  5. I think it was really respectful that amidst all of the Red Wings celebratin, the Pens still stuck around to congratulate them. This shows the class of the Penguin players, who are down-to-earth and didnt run away crying at the end.

  6. The main reason I love hockey is because the players have so much respect for each other.  There is no showboating!  They grind it out, they fight each other, they hit each other and every now and then they may take a cheap shot at each other.  But when all is said and done you just might find them at the same bar lifting a drink.  

    As far as respect for the game MajorTom is the only one who got it right so far.  Pittsburgh booed the Wings as they collected their trophies.

    I have been watching hockey for over 30 years now and I have never seen a stadium empty that fast after the Stanley was presented and I never remember a stadium that quite.  They played no music, booed the Winners of the Cup the whole time and showed a total disrespect for the beutiful game that is having a hard time gaining respect amoung a country that doesnt care about their sport.

  7. I think it's really tough to win on the other team's ice and even worse to lose it at home.  I thought the Pens fans were cool, of course they were disappointed with the outcome, especially that it looked like it might have gone into OT again at the last 1.7 seconds, then to lose it must have been very tough.  But the fans stayed and didn't run out the door, and eventually softly applauded some of the players.  I always liked the handshake, I believe it's the only major sport that does it.  Just think, after you've just pounded some guy into the ice a few seconds ago, you shake his hand (hopefully graciously) at the end.  Shows class, IMO.

  8. Great game guys, Fleury you did phenomenal. Congrats to all the great players that made it here.

  9. here, here

  10. Yep, I hear ya, I'm a Pens fan, myself, but I think it all ended how it should have. All I can say is that I can't wait till next season.

  11. I think if the fans of both teams were as classy as the players, the world would be a much more peaceful place, don't you think?

    But yes, i totally agree with you. They were talking and laughing with each other in the line. I'm not upset the Penguins lost, i'm so proud they got as far as they did! i didn't expect anything less of them.

  12. This was an awesome series. I felt awful for Fleury, too. and Ozzy almost made me puke the last 5 seconds of the game. Glad the cup is back in Hockeytown. good game Pens. GO WINGS!!! BTW Sabres are great.

  13. It was a really classy handshake line, and a really classy way to go out.  Good job Pens.

  14. i have never heard anything like that before...both teams were greatly appreciated... As much as im happy to see the wings win, a lot of my credit goes to the pens for playing so well...they WILL be back next year

  15. I totally agree.

    It was a very respectful win for the Red Things.

    I think the Pens were in shock, considering how close they came to tieing it. That can cause some/alot of "What if's".

    But 60 minutes to late.

  16. i,m not a idiot i know nothing about the sport but if both teams had a good attitude at the end of the game more power to em thats very rare

  17. Hockey is indeed much classier than most other sports. You will have your idiots here and there as it is with anything, but for the most part respect all around. Congratulations Wings. See ya next year.

  18. No, it was truly a one of a kind match up. You could see how both teams and fans were appreciative of the others hard work and dedication to the great series.  I felt bad for Fleury too, but dont worry he'll have a stanley cup in his day.  It was awesome to see their fans still behind them, as most other fans would have left that building after they were down 3-1 with 3 minutes left.  Great game, so refreshing.

  19. Well said, as usual.

    It was clear that both teams had earned the others respect at series end. Great series.

  20. It was a great series and the better team won.

  21. i think that these 2 teams have so much respect for each other because they know they will see each other again in the playoffs. both teams are dynamic and have bright futures. theyll meet again.

  22. The handshake is mostly a formality. There may have been some old teammates or acquaintances that passed in line, but it wasn't as friendly as it looked.

    I was a little disappointed in the Pittsburgh fans. I realize their team just had it's season ended, but they boo'd an awful lot when the Wings were parading the Cup around. I thought it was a singular lack of class.

  23. That's what I like about sports - not minding the idiots.

    You got class!

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