
May i ask if what medicine should i give to my sick african lovebirds, its feathers is fluffed up. thanks....

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May i ask if what medicine should i give to my sick african lovebirds, its feathers is fluffed up. thanks....




  1. Marvel Aid for Birds

    Its safe and its for basic infections.  You just replace it with the drinking water for 5 days. I advise you take them to a vet though.  The thing with birds is that they try to hide there sickness.  So they are a lot sicker then they seem.  The bird get sick before he start showing signs. This is because in the wild the other birds would try to kill him if he showed signs of illness. The other birds don't want that brd getting the flock sick.

  2. It's impossible to know how to treat an illness unless the illness is properly diagnosed by a qualified avian vet.  Your bird could be suffering from a bacterial, chlamydial, fungal, viral or parasitic infection or from a host of other avian problems/diseases.  Treatment for a gram positive bacterial infection is much different than treatment for a gram negative infection or for a fungal infection or for parasites, etc.  If you have any suspicion that your bird is ill, it probably IS.  Please have your birds seen by an avian vet.


  3. First how old is your bird???

    Is it Male or Female,the latter could be ready to lay if she has mate.

    Are your other birds affected?

    The diet of your bird could be at fault,do you give it any Greens,if not try a little Broccoli ,Kale,Spinach,Carrot including tops,fruit such as Apple ,Pear,

    If you live in the U.K. then you could try Dandelion leaves or seeding heads before they sprout ,add a pinch of sea weed powder,these are all good tonics,which I fed to my birds when they looked off colour.

    If you can not wait to try these then get down to your nearest avian vet and he /she may give you an anti-biotic.

    Hope this helps.

  4. You give them whatever medicine the avian vet prescribes after they see the birds and figure out what's wrong and what kind of medicine they need.  It's impossible to diagnose over the internet; being puffed up is a serious sign of any number of illnesses.

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