
May i know how many watts of energy do i get from direct sunlight in an open field for one square meter area?

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May i know how many watts of energy do i get from direct sunlight in an open field for one square meter area?




  1. If you were at the equater with the sun directly overhead on a clear day, you'd get a power of around 1 KW/m^2 from sunlight. If you were 60 degrees from the zenith on a clear day, you'd get half that (a bit less actually since there's more atmosphere for the light to travel through to get to you).

    The true value for a particular location varies quite a lot depending on the time of year, since the Earth's axis is tilted, therefore it's not possible to give an exact answer to this.

    At the moment though, the value is approximately 950 W/m^2 for New York at midday and approximately 880 W/m^2 for London at midday.

  2. the intensity of energy outside the earth's atmosphere is 1 kilo watt per square meter, (reffered as solar constant) but inside the earth's atmosphere it is less than that due to dispersion effects of dust and gasses so you get a little less than that

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