
May need to adopt my grandchild..are there any programs out there to help emotionally and financially?

by Guest57576  |  earlier

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My granddaughter can't seem to get it together and provide a happy, healthy atmosphere and I think she is going to give up my great grandbaby. My health is fine but all of my money has gone to raising my children and part of the grandchildren. Are there any programs to help with the adoption and a monthly stipend for food, clothes and the necessities that the grandbaby will need as she grows up? Any info is greatly appreciated.




  1. This is the fastest growing family uinit!  Good luck to you!  Here is a website you may need:

  2. Talk to the Health and Social Services department in your town. They will help with food and medical, and give you a check montly, as well as give you lots of resources! Good luck!

  3. Check with Child Protective Services (CPS), and for financial and emotional support, go to Catholic Charities, regardless of your faith.

  4. I am only going to wish you good luck in your situation and know that you will make the right decision as you have alot of good answers given to you.

    I am in the process of adopting my grand daughter now and I live in MI.   I did not know about any of the resources that were mention and I have had temp legal custody of here for 5 years.

    B please if you would, email or list the adoption help infor you referred too.  thanks.

  5. My 85 year old neighbor was considering adopting her great grandson.  The State of Oklahoma was going to assist her in fees, food stamps, and a check until he turned 18, he was 15 at the time.   Thank God she didn't do it... but she wanted to.    His idiotic father finally came around, at least some.   It was killing her trying to raise that child...but she felt someone had to try.    

    Check with your state DHS or Child Welfare.   Most can help and depending on the age of the child in question, you could get quite a bit of assistance.

  6. You can get assistance from the welfare office- food stamps, cash for baby's needs and medicaid for the child. Also her mother will be obligated to provide child support for the child.

  7. If your granddaughter that has problems that might have needed intervention from Child Protective Services, call them. You might not want to adopt the baby, you might ask if there is an option of being a Family Foster Parent with a Medicaid card for your great grandbaby & a monthly foster care payment.  If you are low income, contact a local free legal advice agency. Your county court clerk or your township supervisors office should be able to tell you who to contact if you're uncertain. Don't jump into any legally binding decisions without educating yourself about potential repercussions first.

  8. In New Jersey, there is assistance through a program called "Kinship Navigator".  Also, if  your great-grandchild is taken into DYFS custody and you become a relative care provider, you will receive a monthly subsidy and clothing allowance.  This subsidy would continue if you took what is called, Kinship Legal Guardianship or KLG.

    If you are not in New Jersey, contact your local AARP chapter.  They have a lot of information about grandparents raising grand and great-grand children and will be familiar with programs in your state.

  9. Contact your Dept. of Human Services. You will most likely qualify for food, cash and medical assistance. In fact given that it is not your child I'm pretty positive that you will without doubt recieve assistance for her.  As far as emotionally, a good psychologist (doesn't mean that you aren't sane at all) is a great way to go, but there are also support groups out there... DHS should be able to put you in touch with them as well. Good luck and Bless you for taking on such a huge responsibility as this.

  10. contact your local WIC or welfare office..  they should know or be able to point you in the right direction!  You poor thing!  You remind me of my grandmother!!  Always taking care of the ones in the family that don't want to grow up and do what's right.  Your an amazing woman to do so much for them and the baby..  Good luck and god bless...  You should also be able to get Medicaid/ and foodstamps for the baby paid by the state..

  11. my grandparents have custody of my cousin has had it for 10 years now. she went to the court and asked for custody. you have to have reason. i think in my grandmas situation having my cousin biological dad in favor of this helped. my aunt at the time also had many felonies on her. so did my uncle. i think you should really try. my grandma didnt need child support. but if you get custody you get child support. but if the mother and the father give up thier parental rights they dont have to see the baby or pay for anything. i think the best thing isnt adoption it is custody.

  12. Hi Nanna,I adopted 3 of my granchildren.I live in Mich.This state provides an adoption subsity to help with expenses.They pay until the children reach the age of 18 yrs.When you counsul for adoption,ask about a simular program in your state.

  13. there are state assisted programs depending on your state and county. there is medical assistance and food stamps. there is also wic for children up to the age of 5. some states might even make ur granddaughter pay you child support. there is also some programs that will give you a monthly check. check your local family services and adoption agency

  14. I am pretty sure that dept. of human services can help, in both areas.

    Check with your state.

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