
May not be able to lunge prior to show.?

by Guest59782  |  earlier

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I just started showing this year. At the last show, we had to lunge my horse for a pretty good while. My next one is this weekend and I may not have the ability to find a place to lunge prior to riding. Anyone have any alternate ideas? Thanks in advance.




  1. If it is a day show, lunge him very well before you ship in

  2. I know your just begining

    But if you have to lounge your horse every time before you show You have to learn more

    Now a new place I understand

    Just walk him or her to let them see the new sites But if he needs to ridden down

    your training methods are all wrong

    sorry but true

  3. I would longe the horse before you leave for the showgrounds, and then walk him around for a while and let him look at things once you get there. Ignore Lucky's answer- he's full of hot air and doesn't know what he's talking about. I have been in your exact situation more times than I care to remember, and the best way to deal with it is to longe the horse before he gets on the trailer. Once you get there, let him walk around some, take a pit stop, and see the sights before you get on his back. Make sure as well that you feed him a low energy meal, such as a small bran mash, on the morning of the show. That will help him stay calm and focused, without compromising his performance.

    Good luck, I hope this helps.

  4. If you really don't have anywhere to lunge you'll just have to walk him / trot him up and down the aisle or around the show grounds.  I can't believe there wouldn't be anywhere to lunge though.  Usually the show grounds will set aside half of the warm up ring for lunging... and if not I'd think that there would be an open space somewhere that you could lunge in.  The other thing you can do to ensure you have a kinda tired horse is to leave him tied the night before you ride, but I really don't like that method... but it's your decision.  The stupidest thing I've ever seen anyone do with a horse is they drove their golf cart and held the lead rope and made the horse trot along side of the cart... I really don't recommend that, but I suppose it would wear out your horse.  I hope you find somewhere to lunge.  Good luck at your show!

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