
May was the last month i had my period could i be pregnant??

by  |  earlier

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my body does not feel any different am i suppose to feel something now or when exactly i have not have my period in two months ????




  1. You need to take a test! My body did not feel any different until I was almost 20 weeks pregnant! The only way I knew was because I missed my period and took a pregnancy test

  2. why haven't you gone to the doctor then?? that's kinda irresponsible.

  3. How are we supposed to know?You could be,go to a doctor,get a test or something...

  4. YES ! i didnt feel **** when i was pregnant

    and i ended up getting big when i was about 7 months

  5. did you have s*x? if yes its possible take a test

    otherwise you may just be stressed or are you eating well do you eat enough? if the answer is no then that could be a reason

    otherwise wait a few weeks see if it comes if not go see a doctor

  6. yeah take a pregnecy test. If it shows either way (pregnet or not) you should go to a doctor, instead of just asking on Yahoo. lol

  7. yess.

    you could also be stressed, underweight, or have an std.

  8. you could be but i think u would already know. There might be something else wrong with you. Go to the dr

  9. Yeah you could be. You could also have a heath condition. See a doctor.

  10. no, don't think negative.

    ask a doctor or it could be that your body is just having to get used to period, it skips once a while

    or it could be that your ody is unhealthy right now, well consult with your doctor

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