
Maybe I still havent finished puberty?

by  |  earlier

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'm 18, male 5'4, 109 pounds...I haven't aged a bit since around the 8th grade. That's how young I look, I can still wear the pants/shirts if I wanted to...I still look the same 4-5 years later. I was wondering if I should go to the doctor about it. I just look way to young/small for my age. All the males in my family are at least 6 feet tall and a healthy weight and...big

I haven't grown a centimeter since the 8th grade...height and width wise...I've actually lost weight since then. From my peak at 115 to 109. I just recently stopped having acne and can grow a little facial hair. I have plenty of hair under the arms and in the genital areas.

I'm starting to think there is something wrong. I'm (hopefully) going to the doctors tommorow to ask him about it...I'm not sure I know how to talk to him about it really, I'm kinda self-concious in this area.




  1. wow ur a midget....xD


    some people just get the short genes

  2. your fine, i know people that had growth spurts in their 20s. ask your family about when they grew

  3. My best friend who is turning 20, is like that. At 18 he still looked really young like he was still 15. But not untill just this summer is he filling out and starting to look like an adult.

    Don't worry too much. Guys are usually still growing into their early 20s. Facial structure changes slightly. The brain is still developing, and other things. not very noticeable but still small changes.

  4. If you were 15 or 16 I would suggest you wait, but at 18 I think you should make your doctor aware of your concerns.  Do not hesitate to make sure he understands how you feel.  Your puberty cycle may need jump-starting and he can do that.  I have friends who had this done with their sons and it worked great for them.  Good luck -  

  5. yes maybe you shoudl see your doctor

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