
Maybe a conservative can answer this?

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It always seems contradictory to me that conservatives are pro-life, yet pro-death penality and Can you explain? In my eyes it makes you seem very...I,hicky...dumb,old-fashion.... im open to be corrected.




  1. Plain and simple "Personal responsibility". Nobody is pro war.

  2. those are generalizations...

    Abortion: Hard core Pro-lifers tend to be fro the evangelical segment of the party..  Think of all of the birth control options available now, condoms, the pill,mornig  after pill etc.. Dont you think abortion is a really barbaric method of birth control?

    Death penalty: Its as old as civilization itself... an eye for an eye... A fetus does not have a choice if you are going to kill it... Someone convicted of the death penalty MADE the conscious choice to take another life... Barbaric x2

    War: There has never been a worldwide time of 100% peace.. wars will be fought over resources, power, and freedoms....We just need to be more d**n selective over which ones we start and which one we join into.

  3. You are comparing the life of an unborn child to, lets say, a man who rapes and strangles 3 young children.  You purposely forget the concepts of guilt and innocence and then attempt to make yourself elevated intellectually over "right to lifers" when stating that our argument is "hicky"

    We believe life begins at conception.  Therefore the unborn child has a right to life, just as any of us do.  This unalienable right is separate from and has nothing what so ever to do with the rest of anything you have said.

    We do not want war.  We dont want death sentences.  4000 thousand soldiers have died in the last 5 years.  5 million American babies were killed during that same time - do you even begin to see the difference ?

    Most pro lifers are not pro death penalty.  This is a lie that that baby killers spew to muddy the waters and create doubt.  If Democrats were to become right to life they would not lose another election for 50 years.

  4. Moral relativism is one of the attributes of post modernist deconstructionism, the basis in some ways of liberalism.  

    You are criticizing having a pro-life stance on the basis of activities that are unrelated to the issue of abortion entirely.  

    On the basis you have stated, one could also easily say this:  Why are people that are pro abortion,  or for the taking of a human life,  against wars and the death penalty?

    In my eyes it makes you seem cheap, transient, immoral, and flighty, lacking responsibility.


    Guess what, regardless of what you and Obama say ,we'll continue to as Obama puts it "be bitter, and cling to guns and our religion ..."

    Hers a little note for ya, If these Old people didn't work their Arses off for you, you'd probably be digging for Potatoes to make a living. It is they NOT YOU who have made this country great.

    So go back to you high school or college Which they fund through their taxes) and think about WHO has enabled you to write your little diatribe.


  6. And I get flagged for calling them lambs?? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I guess it could be that if you murder someone, you really kind of cash in your right to live among the decent people. We don't need scumbags like that living among decent law abiding citizens. Some will argue that the death penalty is no a deterrent and therefore should be banned. It might not be a deterrent, but it is a solution. I've never heard of an executed prisoner going back to prison.

  7. First, women have freedom in their reproduction with contraceptives and adoption. Abortion is a senseless killing. Second, some people have brutally killed and tortured children, those families deserve justice. Third, war is horrible but is sometimes necessary to protect innocent lives. Our soldiers may have killed thousands of terrorists, but that's not as bad as the terrorists killing those innocent people in the twin towers.

  8. What is tolerant about name calling in the middle of asking a legit question.  

    Those who get the death penalty have been found guilty of violating the law is the most serious of ways.  They have had appeal upon appeal.  The death penalty is for the guilty.

    Those who have never seen the light of day are totally innocent of doing anything to anybody.  They didn't jump inside the woman.  They came into existence through no action of their own.  When partial birth abortion happens there cannot be any question as to whether it is a person.  

    Pro-war is not correct.  Those who favor abortion say they are not pro-abortion.  Those of us who favor opposing evil are not pro-war.  Res ipsa loquitor.

    EDIT: not name calling? "country,hicky...dumb,old-fashion"

  9. I can explain it very easily.  

    Unlike the Liberals in particular and Democrats in general, Conservatives want to protect innocent life.  

    Abortions are infanticide, while the Death penalty is the destroying of the life of a murderer who would take more life.

    You see, you liberals equate an innocent baby's life with that of someone like Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler, Chairman Mao etc.  Conservatives don't think that an innocent infant is like Hiter et al.

    As for the "war" statement.  Again, we believe in defending ourselves and our friends.  The people looked up to by the Liberals...such as Obama et al, are murderers from the Weather Underground, and racists like Obama's ex-minister (and his present one).

    Liberals also aren't very intelligent when it  comes to hiding their double standards.  YOUR people's V.P. pick voted FOR the war.

  10. Good Question.

    I am a conservative and I was thinking about this yesterday and admitted to myself how it could be taken as hypocritical.

    However, my response is that the life that has lived and chosen decisions that have resulted in the death penalty is far far different than the life that never had the chance to live. To us, it's as simple and basic as that.

    To deny a "life" the right to live shortly after it was created is a shame.  The question of "what if" rings through my soul.

    As far as war, no one is "pro" war, any more than some are "pro" abortion.  

    You call it pro-choice and we refer to war as a sometimes necessary evil to protect the country.

    It has nothing to do with "hick", "dumb" etc and  you know that. It's a different ideology that you don't understand, that's all.  

  11. Conservatives, if you go by the actual definition of that term rather than what the talking heads on TV will tell you a conservative is, are simply interested in maintaining things as they are, as they always have been, because it's always worked.  

    Most societies in the world evolved as patriarchal societies, with men at the heads of the households, and women having no rights, and in many places, being valued less than livestock.  Ours is no different: that is what the US culture came from.  Conservatives are simply interested in seeing men retain all the power, and women have none.  That explains their anti-choice stance: giving a woman any control over even her own organs is too much for her to handle.  A man must make those decisions, not a weak-willed woman.  After all, look at what happened the first time a woman made a decision: humans got thrown out of Eden!  So what if carrying the pregnancy to term kills her?  That's her rightful punishment for what Eve did, manipulating Adam that way!  Nevermind that the entire Adam and Eve story was simply made up by men to subdue women.  Besides, she should be honored to die in childbirth!  Her entire point in living, as a woman, is simply to make babies!

    So yes, hun, they say they're pro-life, but that's just because the truth -- that they're anti-choice-by-women -- doesn't garner as many votes.

    They argue that some people are so depraved that no amount of rehabilitation or punishment will fix them; murderers are high on that list.  They don't see the point in lifetime imprisonment, because that costs taxpayer dollars -- and a lot of them -- raising the tax burden on the good, honest, hardworking folks.  Me, I think if we would just put our prisoners to work, instead of having them lounge about all day, it'd make everyone happier.

    As far as war, all sides see it as a necessary evil sometimes.  I *think* that with the current war, the Republican politicians are making money through the companies that profit from war (and there are many of those), which is influencing many of them to keep the war going.  Because it's not saving innocent lives anymore; it's just pointless.  The US is occupying Iraq without any real reason to.  

    They're not country or hicky; those words I bristle at in any context, because they're given meaning beyond "being from the country."  The conservatives are old-fashioned; that is the definition of the word.  Many people identify themselves as conservative without really thinking it through; realize, all Republicans are not *actually* conservative, and all conservatives are not Republicans.  In many cases, the conservatives are dumb because of their drive to do things "as they always have been done," rather than trying to make any progress.  In some cases, the conservatives are smart for trying to conserve our resources (not to be confused with environmentalists, I note; there are resources other than natural ones) and not be spendthrifts.  

    Always think a situation through for yourself, rather than simply ascribing to the philosophy of one party or group or another and going along with them on everything like a mindless sheep.  And, of course, do plenty of research to educate yourself.

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