
Maybe a silly question but here goes nothing...?

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My friend suggested that I start taking prenatals daily. Me and my DH are ttc so is this going to help us to concieve? Otherwise what is point of taking them BEFORE we get pregnant? Thanks ladies.




  1. Prenatals are important to take while TTC as many other people stated. It also helps to nourish your nails, hair and skin. I swear I can see a major difference in all three of these things since I started taking them! Some women take Prenantals just for this reason. It definitely can't hurt! Good luck and Baby Dust to you!!!

  2. You should really start taking them before you conceive yes so your body is prepared and stored up on the vitamins you need.

  3. No, it won't help with conception.  The point of taking them before being pregnant is the baby needs certain vitamins really early on in development.  This way, you don't need to wait until you know you are pregnant to get those nutrients to the baby.  There's absolutely no harm in it, some daily multivitamins that are a women's formula contain the same stuff.

  4. Prenatals are to make sure you have the vits and minerals you need daily, calcuim, iron ETC. its good to start them before hand so for one you get use to taking them, second to make sure your getting everything you need to have and carry the baby, its not going to raise your odds of getting pregnant but it helps to make sure your "health" for the baby. GL

  5. Taking prenatal vitamins before pregnancy does not help u concieve but it does help ensure a healthy baby. You might go get blood work done to make sure your folic acid leavel is ok. Folic acid helps prevent Nural tube deffects. On how to get pregnant you can time you ovulation. But as my doctor told me Stop trying so hard, just enjoy trying and if it doesnt happen theres next month. After 2mc my husband and i stoped trying. The month following my mc we discovered i was pregnant.

  6. It will not help you conceive- but it will help your body be ready to support a pregnancy, and will reduce the risk of your baby having birth defects. It's very highly recommended that you start taking prenatals as soon as you TTC.

  7. THE VERY BEST advice I can give is consult your doctor. NEVER take any medications w/o doing so b/c every persons body is completely different form the next. The doctor can prescribe the best medications for you!

    Good look, hun!!! :- )

  8. It probably won't help you conceive faster, but it is good for you to take them before you conceive. Women who conceive should have folic acid in their system before conception. There are also other vitamins that are very useful before you even conceive. Good luck!

  9. yes you should actually start taking then about 3 months before TTC because your body needs the vitamins that are in it to maintain a healthy pregnancy!

    your body also needs to build up the amount of Folic acid that is in the is very important to help prevent a lot of spinal cord birth defects!

    I personally have been on a prenatal for over a year now..(had 2 miscarriages this last year) I started taking it before we TTC......but since my last miscarriage I have also added  1 low dose aspirin and 2mg of extra folic acid daily!

    do some reasurch about low dose asprin and ask you doc...because there is some reasurch being done about it helping to get pregnant and stay pregnant!

    but I'm happy to say I am currently pregnant and I am now 18w4d and I just saw my baby yesterday!!

    so to recap yes take the pre-natal! it's good for you and potential baby to be!

    and an extra note...a multivitamin is not the same as a pre-natal! a pre-natal has different doses of everything that baby needs....some multi-vitamins have to much of some things that are actually not good for pregancy! you should be able to go to any drug store and get a pre-natal they do not require a prescription!

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