
Maybe alot has asked this question but i never saw it..?

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i had a dream..i was in a music camp and there was this guy that became my friend. could that person be real.. i feel like i have seen him before..




  1. Here's a dream dictionary so you can interpret the various facets of your dream.

  2. You may have a da ja vu experience. However, this guy becoming your friend could just be some desire in your life.

    Whether he will be, it is not up to your dream.

    But your subconscious mind is telling you that you have this hidden desire to meet someone.

  3. u will find him if u want but it doesn't mean that  u will have a good relationship with him

  4. Could he be real? In the dream, no I dont think so. But sure he could exist in real life, I´ve had dreams like that alot of times.

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