
Maybe baby?! What do you think?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't gotten my period in a month and a half. I had been on a birth control pill for 6 years prior to this summer when I could never remember to take it on time and ended up skipping many doses. After skipping 3 pills in a row and not getting any blood I thought I was pregnant and stopped taking the pill. Every test has come back negative but still no period. Friday night me and my guy had completely unprotected s*x and he came inside me. If for whatever reason I stopped ovulating and was not already pregnant I don't think I would be now since there would be nothing for sperm to implant in... What do you think? I'm seeing my gyno in about 3 weeks but was wondering what other people thought. I hope I am =)

P.S. I realize I already asked this but maybe i'll actually get an answer in another section...




  1. you never know, but if you're worried, take a test ! It's a quick and simple way to get an answer. :)

  2. I am going to guess it is your BC reacting and regulating your period, but to be safe take a test a week after AF is due and keep trying, even if your chart says you aren't ovulating!

    Good luck and baby dust :)

  3. I am almost 3 weeks late for my period and it's because I failed to ovulate last cycle. If you don't ovulate then you most likely won't have a period. So that could be what is going on. If you haven't had your period and you're not pregnant then you are most likely not ovulating which would mean you probably won't get pregnant from the one act of unprotected s*x with your boyfriend. But your OB/GYN will be the best to discuss the situation with you and see what your options might be. You may want to try charting your BBT (basal body temp). Then you will be able to really see if you are ovulating or not. I just started about a month ago and it's pretty easy and very helpful. Best of luck to you!

  4. that is a tuff question to answer... but u mite be pregnant

  5. those home pregnancy tests sometimes take a while before they pick up on the hormone your body gives out when your preggers. SO. you could totallybe pregnant but dont get your hopes up just yet especially ifyour wanting a baby.. it could be a huge let down that puts you into a depression.. but at this point i would say its a 50 50 chance youve got a bun in the oven... best wishes

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