
Maybe i Forced it Too Much...??Help?

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I asked a girl out 12 days ago and ive tried to get through to her on the mobile like 5/6 times but no answer. usually it doesnt even ring (phone problem?). we got on really well and she was enthusiastic when i asked her and she gave me her number et vice versa. Was i blown - off>??




  1. Doubt it if she gave you her no. Just give her a call every 2 or 3 days for a couple weeks. after that give up because there are many more out there just as good or better dude

  2. her phone might be off (if it isnt ringing) or she could be busy. You should have called once, and left a voicemail, that way, if her phone was off, she will still get your message. And if her phone wasnt off and she just couldnt answer it, she wouldnt think your a lunatic for calling so much.

  3. i dont think you were blown off, but u never know unless you ask. keep trying to get through, but dnt call her a bunch. just call her maybe 2 times a day. next time you see her tell her that you have been trying to talk to her and get through to her on her cell phone but it didnt ring and she never answered. if she acts like she normally does around you it is probably just a phone problem. but if she ignores you and tries to stay clear of you, then i would say forget her. but i wouldnt  think that was the case. just next time u see her ask her whats up. and dnt give up on the calling, just dont over do it.  hope this helps

    good luck!! =]

    xoxo maria

  4. u probably shouldn't have called as much, wait a little while and try again like tomorrow or later tonight. She might have blown you of but she could just not have her phone on her right now.

  5. she could be busy give her time to check her missed calls.

  6. Phone was off or out of range don't let it bother you send a txt and wait for a reply.

  7. yeah sorry hun she blew you off she probley gave you the wrong number..thats what i do!

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