
Maybe i am missing the point?

by  |  earlier

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but why on gods earth are people giving stars and thumbs up to a question about the orange order and honestly beggers belief




  1. bloody h**l , havent seen them,  but  if you see any dodgy stuff click report abuse, as cos some folk like myself get violation emails for asking what is your fave  sandwich filling!! nowt pervey/ non abusive?

    so this place seems a trolls heaven and anyone  can seemingly get away wi murder! no way! hit 'question abuse button 'doll as it is disgusting .and deeply offensive to any poor child, or now an adult who sadly experienced this . it is truly sick.

  2. I know Bluebell and what amazes me is the amount of people who answer the question...they get more than the actual football ones!!

  3. maybe they should be kicked of yahoo but why dose no one report then ?

  4. Sorry I just didna expext the question to be so blunt that why i laughed I thought it was funny obvously some people are more sesitive to that sort of thing but it made me laugh.

    I suppose i'm against it if he had evened it up perhaps with a question relating to a preist and an alter boy you might have seen the sunny side?

  5. I refused to answer his question.

    I can see another p**n/drug baron,he's my only bocked user,and I won't answer any of his questions,I will unblock him if he starts behaving himself.

  6. were they? sickos..

    nowt as q***r as folk ;-)

  7. ive taken to ignorning these questions but i will say one thing. this is a definite case of the shoe being on the other foot here after a summer full of disgraceful abuse aimed at catholics in particular from the likes of yahoogle (i see the ******** has re-appeared) and blue/me. yet these questions and answers were repeatedly starred and given the thumbs up by so called "regulars" of the forum. not yourself i might add bluebell. these folk should be rounded on by everyone in the forum as they are not welcome but every star or thumb they receive will make them think they have won. ok rant over x

  8. Yeah I noticed that also,didn't even bother wasting my time with that one.

    Bluebell we are no strangers to the thumbs down brigade for no reason at all a lot of the time so does it really shock you!!!!!

  9. I see that Middenraker, and 3 others, awarded that question a star and thought is was funny.  Says it all.

  10. Cant answer...... im to busy pumping my sister whos in the orange order

  11. I just totally ignore questions like that now. Don't let it upset you because the more you do they will just continue to wind you up.

    Next time bypass the question and when they get no answers they will soon give up.

  12. all i can say is i am not a member of that order, but have been in and out of Loyalist flute bands for over 25years and  in other Fraternities with other men from that order, for over 20years i have never heard of any of that goings on with that order!

    ECK i made a decision not to answer too !

  13. maybe the muppets are frustrated they're not gettin enough attention


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