
Maybe someone came into my house and pricked me while asleep with hiv infected needle?

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Okay so I don't know when this may have happened either last night, night before or something. Anyways... I have a really sore spot on my back end, left cheek. It feels like a bruise however there is no visible bruise. It feels a little internal. On my pajama pants in a general area is little tiny blood spots. I had my bf look and he said there is not even a little mark that resembles a needle in the least. I'm so so so worried! Someone give me some advice. Everytime my move my legs or something, this area begins to hurt pretty bad! Please lemme know if it sounds like I should worry. What if I got hiv from someone who injected in me while I was asleep?




  1. I'm no medical expert or know whatever it is you have, but I can assure you no one came into your home and stuck a HIV infected needle into your behind. Maybe it's just bruised or you sat on something sharp? Possible a bug bite?

    Just go see a doctor.

  2. Sure...someone came in and pricked you while you were asleep. That person must be EVIL.  

  3. Could it be bedbugs?

  4. I think someone is majorly paranoid, i.e. you!

    I totally doubt someone came into your house and infected you with HIV+ blood.  

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