
Maybe yes maybe not?

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well ever since i started using clomid my periods have been pretty much regular , i stopped using clomid back in june and I have had regular periods , my last period was july 16 , and im pretty much 3 days late... im afraid it could be a delayed period...or if i am pregnant that would be great. So far.... i been feeling twinges in my abdomen , naceous here and there , and breast uncomfortabless.... that comes and goes... what do you girls think? when do you think i should test?





  1. maybe yes!!!!

  2. you should get a accurate result if you test now with a hpt cos you are late

    they are most accurate from the first day of a missed period

    all the best hope you get your bfp

  3. Your hormones could be regulating after using clomid, I suggest you buy a 3pack of tests (ept is the best, it gave me a pos result when I was only 10 days prego) and take one in the morning tomarrow and follow up with repeat tests in a few days.  You could also get a blood serum test done at the doc, that is most accurate.  Your symptoms could go either way since the symptoms of pregnancy mimic pms.  Hope it helps!!

    ps Im in nursing school and have worked at a hosp for 5yrs

  4. yes!!!! you can test now
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